Chile Accidents

27-Jan-21 CC-ATY Bell 212 Olivar, Chile

Remained upright in very heavy landing.  Engine fire.  Skids collapsed, boom detached.  Pilot (only person on board) airlifted to Rancagua hospital Chilean Army photo from Twitter... Read more

31-Jul-20 CC-DAM Airbus AS350B3 Santiago, Chile

The pilot took off from the Santiago Heliport to carry out an aerial work to control frost. Three minutes after takeoff, a light on the governor failure warning panel came on, stopping the engine in flight, for which the pilot performed an autorotation, forcibly landing in a private parking lot. The pilot, the sole occupant... Read more

12-Jun-15 CC-PTR Robinson R44 El Rosario, Chile

Crashed into a tree on approach to airport.  The pilot, Juan Manuel Urrutia was slightly injured, while his passenger was uninjured.... Read more

31-Mar-15 CC-APP Bell 206L4 Diego de Almagro, Chile (4F)

Crashed in mountainous area with the loss of all 4 POB. The helicopter was transporting workers sent to restore water service to the tens of thousands of people left without drinking water after the floods.  Pilot Pedro Pablo Aldunate Arriola was married to a cousin of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.... Read more

12-Mar-15 CC-CLD Eurocopter SA315B Rancagua, Chile (1F)

External load operations (carrying food and supplies to a mining camp in Colchagua) at 12,700ft amsl but only 50m above the ground when an engine problem caused pilot to jettison the load and take evasive action, descending to the right intending flying down a gorge. Sadly the pilot, named as Francisco Bismara from Argentina, died... Read more

23-Feb-15 CC-AFR Airbus AS350B3 Yungay, Chile

Tail rotor hit rock during firefighting work on approach to land to pick up a forest fire brigade team... Read more

13-Feb-15 CC-PHY Robinson R44 San Lorenzo, Chile (3F)

Helicopter with four on board crashed in forest area.  One passenger (named as Miguel Zunino Valenzuela) jumped clear just before the helicopter crashed and the other three died in the accident, including Ítalo Zunino Muratori, Nicolás Fossatti and pilot Luis Alvarado.... Read more

27-Dec-14 C-20 Eurocopter BK117B2 Tirúa, Chile

Passenger injured from gunshot fired from the ground while helicopter was overflying.  damage to plexiglass window... Read more

30-Nov-14 C-26 Eurocopter EC135T2 San Miguel, Chile

The helicopter landed on scene at a road accident involving an intoxicated driver whose car hit a Carabineros vehicle.  With rotors turning, a fire department vehicle got too close and clipped the blades.  Initially the helicopter spun 90 degrees on the ground before the damage caused the tail boom to break off a few seconds... Read more

20-Jun-14 CC-PXA Robinson R44 La Parva, Chile

Written off.  4 POB – two adults, two children – got out OK... Read more

10-Mar-14 CC-PXE Robinson R44 OHiggins Region, Chile

All four POB injured, and rescued by Chilean Air Force UH-1... Read more

30-Dec-13 EC-LRD AgustaWestland AW119Ke Malleco, Chile

Badly burned in arson attack while parked.  Gang unsuccessfully attempted same on a second helicopter parked nearby... Read more

29-Dec-13 EC-LBS Bell 407 Chiquitoy, Chile

Fire fighting helicopter shot at from the ground by 9mm bullett... Read more

30-Oct-13 CC-CNB Bell 206L1 LongRanger Catemu, Chile (1F)

Impacted terrain on agricultural flight after hitting power cables, killing one of two on board... Read more

24-Jun-13 CC-AHT Eurocopter AS355NP María Dolores de Los Ángeles, Chile

Heavy landing, rolled over and tail with tail rotor separated aft of the horizontal stabiliser.... Read more

06-Nov-12 Bell 206L Chincolco, Chile

Helicopter crashed during agricultural work.  Pilot reported as Hernán Cabrera, age 47.  Distant photo shows helicopter landed upright in the crop, although tail does not look quite right!  Chilean sources are quoting the accident as a UH-1H, but we do not agree – see the two stabilizer end-plates, definitely a LongRanger!... Read more

18-May-12 Bell 206B Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile

Minor damage in accident while helicopter was involved in operations to do with a ratio antenna in support of a sports challenge on the island called “Transportation Achilles”.  The three crew members were unharmed – Fernando Saver Oyarzún, Claudio Navarrete Flores and Rodrigo Vargas Soto.  One source quotes the helicopter serial number as “38” but... Read more

01-Mar-12 CC-CSU Eurocopter AS350B3 San Felix, Chile

Contacted cables, but landed normally with all three main rotor blades damaged.  Pilot listed as Francisco Esquivel Sierra... Read more

30-Dec-11 CC-CIX Eurocopter AS350B3 Fundo Colo, Chile

Helicopter destroyed by arson attack at 2.45am when parked.  Helicopter was operated by INAER Chile for CONAF (Chilean national fire service) in support of forest firefightingm,  which is what it is currently actively involved in.  Slogans were left nearby suggesting the perpetrators were campaigning for the freedom of “political prisoners”.... Read more

12-Dec-11 CC-ABX Eurocopter AS350B3 Minera Pascua-Lama, Chile

External load operations.  Load had been transferred when pilot felt something unusual and elected to make an autorotation landing.  Lost control in the flare and the helicopter landed heavily and rolled onto its side – severely damaged. Pilot listed as Eduardo Boisset Encina... Read more

14-Oct-11 CC-PCS Robinson R44 Santiago, Chile

During take-off phase, pilot Andres Navarro Haeussler made sudden and very heavy landing on taxiway, causing damage to the aircraft.  Pilot and passenger unhurt.  Skids splayed out, tail ended up touching the ground... Read more

27-Apr-11 CC-PJI Bell B206 San Clemente, Chile (1F)

Crashed while firefighting, pilot Matuaze Héctor de la Fuente, 54, died at the scene of the accident, while his passenger, Cristián Sánchez Gabriel Orellana, 38, was seriously injured... Read more

24-Mar-11 CC-CID Bell 205A-1 San Clemente, Chile

Pilot lost control over a forest fire.  Helicopter crashed killing pilot Hector Metuaze de la Fuente, Passenger seriously injured.  Post crash fire and burnt out... Read more

18-Mar-11 CC-ACX Eurocopter AS350B3 Libertador, Chile

Passenger struck fatally on head by main rotor when disembarking on sloping site.  Pilot listed as Pablo Blanco Venegas... Read more

22-Jan-11 CC-PHP Robinson R44 Cobquecura, Chile

President Piñera landed off-airfield in his own R44, and a video of the incident taken by a citizen suggested that the stop was unplanned.  The President denies this, saying it was a planned refuelling stop... Read more

06-Nov-10 CC-AAN Eurocopter AS350B2 Taltal, Chile (1F)

Canadian-born pilot Alex Remond Claude Deur, died in the crash at Taltal, near Route 5 North in the region of Antofagasta.... Read more

9-Sep-09 CC- Eurocopter SE313 Casablanca, Chile

9-Sep-09 CC- Eurocopter SE313 Casablanca, Chile... Read more

18-Aug-09 CC-CZE Eurocopter AS350 Rio Blanco, Los Ande, Chile

18-Aug-09 CC-CZE Eurocopter AS350 Rio Blanco, Los Ande, Chile... Read more

16-Feb-09 CC-CBW Bell UH-1 Chanco, Maule region, Chile (14F)

16-Feb-09 CC-CBW Bell UH-1 Chanco, Maule region, Chile... Read more

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