3-Mar-2010 Source: United Rotorcraft Solutions
URS completed the 407 with a Garmin Comm/Nav/GPS GNS530AW , SL-40 Comm 2, GTX-330 transponder and GMA347H Audio Control. Also installed are the Honeywell KR87 ADF and KCS55A HSI Compass System, TransCal Blind Encoder, Mid-Continent Turn & Bank and ADI with battery back-up. The airframe was modified with a Paravion door opener kit; AAI preflight kit, and Air Comm air conditioner and the heater with defroster.
URS also disassembled and prepared the helicopter for shipment.
United Rotorcraft Solutions, FAA Repair Station UX9R241Y, provides aircraft completions and refurbishment services, systems integration, maintenance, component overhaul, customized interior installations and unsurpassed exterior finishing. They also offer FAA approved NVG compatible lighting systems for many model helicopters.