Latest Safety Documents

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Airbus AS332 EC225 – Proposed AD 20-140 – Placards and Markings

Airbus AS332 EC225 – Proposed AD 20-140 – Placards and Markings

11-Sep-2020Source: EASA

This Proposed AD will be closed for consultation on 09 October 2020 During review of existing emergency exit placards, attached to or located near to the cabin sliding doors (both left-hand (LH) and right-hand (RH) sides), to verify that they provide an accurate illustration of the proper method of sliding doors emergency opening, it was... Read more

Leonardo AW169 AW189 – EASA AD 2020-0196 – Tail Rotor Servo Actuator

Leonardo AW169 AW189 – EASA AD 2020-0196 – Tail Rotor Servo Actuator

10-Sep-2020Source: EASA

An accident occurred with an AW169 helicopter, the root cause of which is still under investigation. While the helicopter was on a take-off phase at low forward speed, a loss of yaw control has been observed. As incorrect installation of the TRA might have been a factor, as a precautionary measure, Leonardo issued ASB 169-120 to... Read more

Leonardo AW139 – EASA AD 2020-0191 : Equipment / Furnishings

Leonardo AW139 – EASA AD 2020-0191 : Equipment / Furnishings

4-Sep-2020Source: EASA

A design deficiency has been identified, affecting some specific main cabin floor panel installations on AB139 and AW139 helicopters.  This condition, if not corrected, could, in case of an emergency landing, lead to failure of the affected seats, as defined in this AD, possibly resulting in injury to helicopter occupants. To address this potential unsafe condition, as... Read more

Leonardo AB412 – EASA AD 2020-0192 – Electrical Power – Cable Assembly

Leonardo AB412 – EASA AD 2020-0192 – Electrical Power – Cable Assembly

4-Sep-2020Source: EASA

One occurrence has been reported of failure of both inverters in flight, leading to autopilot disconnection. Subsequent inspection identified chafing of a wire in the AC power system cable assembly, due to a protective grommet not correctly installed in the emergency bus interlock compartment. This condition, if not detected and corrected, could lead to autopilot... Read more

Airbus AS365/EC155 – EASA Proposed AD 20-127 : Tail Rotor Drive Flange

Airbus AS365/EC155 – EASA Proposed AD 20-127 : Tail Rotor Drive Flange

3-Sep-2020Source: EASA

Several occurrences have been reported of loss of tightening torque of the Shur-Lok nut, which serves as a retainer of the tail rotor (TR) drive flange of the main gearbox (MGB). Subsequent investigation determined that these events were the result of failure of the Shur-Lok nut locking function, which is normally ensured by two anti-rotation... Read more

Robinson R44 – FAA AD 2020-18-08 – Engine Air Intake System

Robinson R44 – FAA AD 2020-18-08 – Engine Air Intake System

27-Aug-2020Source: FAA

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2019-12-18 for Robinson Helicopter Company (Robinson) Model R44 II helicopters. AD 2019-12-18 required inspecting certain engine air induction hoses (hoses) and replacing any hose that was not airworthy. AD 2019-12-18 also prohibited the installation of certain hoses. This AD continues to require inspecting those previously affected hoses and... Read more

Leonardo AW109/AW119 – EASA releases Issue 22 of TCDS

Leonardo AW109/AW119 – EASA releases Issue 22 of TCDS

26-Aug-2020Source: EASA

EASA has released Issue 22 of the Type Certificate Data Sheet for the Leonardo AW109 and AW119. Issue 22 can be viewed here... Read more

EASA SIB 2020-13 Provision of ground handling services at aerodromes following COVID-19 outbreak

EASA SIB 2020-13 Provision of ground handling services at aerodromes following COVID-19 outbreak


Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the majority of the flights have been suspended. This had a severe impact in groundhandling business due to the fact that the absence of clients forced many groundhandling services providers to scale down or cease operations completely. This resulted in a large number of personnel being unemployed and groundhandling equipement... Read more

Bell 205, 205, 212, 214, 412 – FAA AD 2020-16-10 – Shoulder harness

Bell 205, 205, 212, 214, 412 – FAA AD 2020-16-10 – Shoulder harness

24-Jul-2020Source: FAA

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bell Textron Inc. (Bell) Model 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, 212, 214B, 214B-1, 412, 412CF, and 412EP helicopters. This AD was prompted by a report of a shoulder harness seat belt comfort clip (comfort clip) interfering with the seat belt inertia reel. This AD requires... Read more

Sikorsky S76C – FAA AD 2020-0212 – RDAU software

Sikorsky S76C – FAA AD 2020-0212 – RDAU software

16-Jul-2020Source: FAA

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Model S-76C helicopters. This AD was prompted by reports of inaccurate main gear box (MGB) indications in flight. This AD requires updating the remote data acquisition unit (RDAU) software and re-identifying the RDAU and, for certain helicopters, updating the software of... Read more

Bell 505 – TB_505-18-14 – Freewheel Assembly Housing Sealant

Bell 505 – TB_505-18-14 – Freewheel Assembly Housing Sealant

10-Dec-2018Source: Bell

Bell has been made aware of cases where corrosion has been found on the freewheel assembly housing surface to the engine gearbox interface. Following investigation, it was discovered that the surface paint masking of the interface of freewheel housing 406-040-500-107 is best adapted to fit on the model 206L4 and 407. This freewheel housing when... Read more

Bell 505 – TB_505-18-12 – New interior protective pads

Bell 505 – TB_505-18-12 – New interior protective pads

6-Dec-2018Source: Bell

Bell has received field reports of cabin interior protective pads held in position with VELCRO® that disbond from the cabin structure. This is more likely to occur to those aircraft located in a hot and humid environment. To address this condition, Bell engineering has developed new interior protective pads, adding snaps to the interface to... Read more

Bell 429 – TB_429-18-58 – Bellcrank Assemblies

Bell 429 – TB_429-18-58 – Bellcrank Assemblies

3-Dec-2018Source: Bell

This Technical Bulletin introduces the procedures to upgrade the 429-001-523-101/- 103 and 429-001-532-101/-103 bellcrank assemblies to the latest configuration 429- 001-523-107 and 429-001-532-107 which utilizes corrosion resistant steel bearings. Bellcranks upgraded in accordance with this Technical Bulletin will not be affected by PART II of the Alert Service Bulletin (ASB) 429-15-21 Revision B. Customers should... Read more

Leonardo AW189 – FAA AD 2018-24-06 – Tailplane lower fitting

Leonardo AW189 – FAA AD 2018-24-06 – Tailplane lower fitting

30-Nov-2018Source: FAA

We are adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Leonardo S.p.A. (Leonardo) Model AW189 helicopters. This AD requires replacing the tail plane lower fitting with an improved tail plane lower fitting. This AD was prompted by reports of cracks on the tail plane fittings of Model AW189 helicopters. The actions of this AD are intended... Read more

Airbus EC135 – FAA AD 2013-21-05R1 – Bearings

Airbus EC135 – FAA AD 2013-21-05R1 – Bearings

16-Nov-2018Source: FAA

We are revising Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2013-21-05 for Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH (now Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH) (Airbus Helicopters) Model EC135 P1, P2, P2+, T1, T2, and T2+ helicopters. AD 2013-21-05 required an initial and repetitive inspections of certain bearings and modifying the floor and a rod. Since we issued AD 2013-21-05, we have determined that... Read more

Bell 429 – FAA AD 2018-21-15 – Rod End

Bell 429 – FAA AD 2018-21-15 – Rod End

23-Oct-2018Source: FAA

We are superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2017-13-03 for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited (Bell) Model 429 helicopters. AD 2017-13-03 required adding an identification number to life-limited rod ends that do not have a serial number (S/N). Since we issued AD 2017-13-03, an additional life-limited rod end was identified that is affected by the same unsafe... Read more

Bell 429 – FAA AD 2018-16-51 – Tail rotor gearbox

Bell 429 – FAA AD 2018-16-51 – Tail rotor gearbox

22-Oct-2018Source: FAA

We are publishing a new airworthiness directive (AD) for Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited (Bell) Model 429 helicopters. This AD was sent previously to all known U.S. owners and operators of these helicopters as Emergency AD 2018-16-51, dated July 26, 2018, which superseded Emergency AD 2018-15-51, dated July 20, 2018. This AD requires inspecting the... Read more

Robinson R66 SL-05 – Kannad ELT Service Bulletin

Robinson R66 SL-05 – Kannad ELT Service Bulletin

19-Jul-2012Source: Robinson

DATE: 19 July 2012 TO: R22, R44 & R44 II, and R66 owners, operators, and maintenance personnel SUBJECT: Kannad ELT Service Bulletin ROTORCRAFT AFFECTED: Helicopters equipped with optional “AF-Compact” or “AF Integra” model Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) manufactured by Kannad. Kannad “406 AF” and “406 AF-H” model ELTs are not affected. BACKGROUND: Kannad has issued... Read more

Robinson R66 SL-04 – Center Rear Seat Decal

Robinson R66 SL-04 – Center Rear Seat Decal

29-May-2012Source: Robinson

DATE: 29 May 2012 TO: R66 owners, operators, and maintenance personnel SUBJECT: Center Rear Seat Decal ROTORCRAFT AFFECTED: R66 helicopters S/N 0004 thru 0110 excluding S/N 0062, 0075, 0081, 0086, 0089, 0090, 0094, 0097, 0098, 0099, 0101, 0102, 0106, 0107, and 0108. BACKGROUND: A decal was not installed on some center rear seats.... Read more

FAA AD 2011-25-01 – Apical Industries floats

FAA AD 2011-25-01 – Apical Industries floats

14-Dec-2011Source: FAA

Updated placarding required.  Applicable to _ALL_ Bell models, plus Eurocopter EC135 and Bo105... Read more

FAA AD 2011-21-18 – Eurocopter EC120

FAA AD 2011-21-18 – Eurocopter EC120

12-Dec-2011Source: FAA

Cyclic control friction device... Read more

NZ CAA AD DCA/BELL206/110 – Bell 206L

NZ CAA AD DCA/BELL206/110 – Bell 206L

1-Dec-2011Source: NZ CAA

Main Rotor Blades – Inspection and Replacement... Read more

FAA AD 2011-24-07 – Turbomeca Arriel 2B

FAA AD 2011-24-07 – Turbomeca Arriel 2B

29-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Non-conformities on adjustment of some hydromechanical units (HMUs) have been reported by a Turbomeca repair centre. The technical investigations carried out by Turbomeca are showing that only a limited number of HMUs are potentially affected by this non-conformity to HMU adjustment.... Read more

FAA AD 2011-24-08 – Turbomeca Makila

FAA AD 2011-24-08 – Turbomeca Makila

22-Nov-2011Source: FAA

N2 (power turbine speed) sensor harness wire crimping discrepancy... Read more

Robinson R66 SB-2 – Placards and Markings

Robinson R66 SB-2 – Placards and Markings

21-Nov-2011Source: Robinson

DATE: 27 October 2011 TO: R66 owners, operators, and maintenance personnel SUBJECT: Placards and Markings ROTORCRAFT AFFECTED: R66 helicopters S/N 0004 thru 0051, 0053 thru 0058, 0060, 0064 thru 0066, and 0071. TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Within next 150 flight hours or by 31 January 2012, whichever occurs first. BACKGROUND: Some placards and markings were revised... Read more

FAA AD 2011-20-08 – AgustaWestland AW139

FAA AD 2011-20-08 – AgustaWestland AW139

21-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Number 2 Modular Avionic Unit (MAU) ventilation duct... Read more

FAA AD 2011-21-13 – Eurocopter EC145

FAA AD 2011-21-13 – Eurocopter EC145

21-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Monitor the power display when a generator is deactivated... Read more

FAA AD 2011-22-05 – Eurocopter AS350/355

FAA AD 2011-22-05 – Eurocopter AS350/355

10-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Supercedes AD 2003-22-06.  Tail rotor pitch control rod... Read more

FAA AD 2011-23-13 – Honeywell LTS101

FAA AD 2011-23-13 – Honeywell LTS101

4-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Power turbine governors... Read more

FAA AD 2011-23-02 – Bell 205/210/212

FAA AD 2011-23-02 – Bell 205/210/212

4-Nov-2011Source: FAA

Certain main rotor blade assemblies... Read more

FAA AD 2010-26-52 – Bell 204/205/210/212/412

FAA AD 2010-26-52 – Bell 204/205/210/212/412

31-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Tail rotor blades... Read more

FAA AD 2011-20-06 – AgustaWestland AW139

FAA AD 2011-20-06 – AgustaWestland AW139

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Tail boom outer skin panels... Read more

FAA AD 2011-18-16 – Eurocopter AS332

FAA AD 2011-18-16 – Eurocopter AS332

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Upper end fitting ball joints of the main rotor servocontrols... Read more

FAA AD 2011-20-05 – Eurocopter EC225LP

FAA AD 2011-20-05 – Eurocopter EC225LP

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Dome faring support... Read more

FAA AD 2011-21-11 – Eurocopter EC225LP

FAA AD 2011-21-11 – Eurocopter EC225LP

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Side mounting of pilot and co pilot seats... Read more

FAA AD 2011-15-51 – Bell 407,427

FAA AD 2011-15-51 – Bell 407,427

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Hydraulic Servo Actuators... Read more

FAA AD 2011-16-04 – Sikorsky S-92A

FAA AD 2011-16-04 – Sikorsky S-92A

27-Oct-2011Source: FAA

Rotorcraft Flight Manual, Limitations section... Read more

FAA AD 2011-21-12 – Erickson Air-Crane S-64F

FAA AD 2011-21-12 – Erickson Air-Crane S-64F


Rotating swashplate assembly... Read more

FAA AO-2011-016-SAN-001 – Robinson R44

FAA AO-2011-016-SAN-001 – Robinson R44

14-Sep-2011Source: FAA

Hydraulic-boost servos... Read more

Robinson R66 SL-03

Robinson R66 SL-03

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

Clutch Assembly Retaining Bolt Replacement... Read more

Robinson R44 Service Bulletin SB-80

Robinson R44 Service Bulletin SB-80

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

Pop-Out Float Cylinder Valve... Read more

Robinson R44 Service Letter SL-41

Robinson R44 Service Letter SL-41

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

Ground Handling Wheels and Wheel Supports... Read more

Robinson R44 Service Letter SL-40

Robinson R44 Service Letter SL-40

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

MRGB Oil Level Fluctuation... Read more

Robinson R22 Service Bulletin SB-105

Robinson R22 Service Bulletin SB-105

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

Fuel Shut-Off Valve Replacement... Read more

Robinson R22 Service Letter SL-59

Robinson R22 Service Letter SL-59

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

MRGB Oil Level Fluctuation... Read more

Robinson R66 SL-02

Robinson R66 SL-02

7-Sep-2011Source: Robinson

Baggage Door Seals Kit... Read more

NZ CAA CAN78-001 Robinson R44

NZ CAA CAN78-001 Robinson R44

2-Sep-2011Source: NZ CAA

Engine Exhaust – Cabin Heater System Failures... Read more

FAA AD 2011-17-14 AgustaWestland A109A, Mk.II

FAA AD 2011-17-14 AgustaWestland A109A, Mk.II

26-Aug-2011Source: FAA

Tail rotor hub plug... Read more

FAA Emergency AD 2011-18-52 AgustaWestland AW139

FAA Emergency AD 2011-18-52 AgustaWestland AW139

26-Aug-2011Source: FAA

Tail rotor blades... Read more

FAA AD 2011-16-05 Eurocopter AS365N/N1

FAA AD 2011-16-05 Eurocopter AS365N/N1

26-Aug-2011Source: FAA

High level fuel switches... Read more

FAA AD 2011-17-13 Eurocopter EC120

FAA AD 2011-17-13 Eurocopter EC120

26-Aug-2011Source: FAA

... Read more

FAA AD 2011-17-01 AgustaWestland A109A/C/K2

FAA AD 2011-17-01 AgustaWestland A109A/C/K2

26-Aug-2011Source: FAA

Main rotor scissor fitting assembly... Read more

EASA Emergency AD 2011-0156-E AgustaWestland AW139

EASA Emergency AD 2011-0156-E AgustaWestland AW139

25-Aug-2011Source: EASA

Tail Rotor Blades... Read more

Robinson R66 SL-01

Robinson R66 SL-01

18-Aug-2011Source: Robinson

Cracked MS21042L-series Nuts... Read more

Robinson R66 SB-1

Robinson R66 SB-1

26-Apr-2011Source: Robinson

D333-13 Fitting Lubrication... Read more

Bell ASB 412-11-144 Bell 412

Bell ASB 412-11-144 Bell 412

11-Jan-2011Source: Bell

... Read more

EASA AD 2010-0014 all Eurocopter types

EASA AD 2010-0014 all Eurocopter types

27-Jan-2010Source: EASA

This AD supersedes and cancels EASA AD No. 2006-0252 dated 22 August 2006... Read more

EASA SIB 2010-01 Rolls-Royce C20

EASA SIB 2010-01 Rolls-Royce C20

27-Jan-2010Source: EASA

... Read more

EASA AD 2010-0015 – Sikorsky S-92

EASA AD 2010-0015 – Sikorsky S-92

26-Jan-2010Source: EASA

... Read more

EASA AD 2009-0230R1 – Sikorsky S92

EASA AD 2009-0230R1 – Sikorsky S92

7-Jan-2010Source: EASA

This AD revises EASA Emergency AD 2009-0230-E dated 23 October 2009... Read more

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