30-Jul-2010 Source: Fokker
Fokker Aerostructures and Boeing Rotorcraft Systems have reached an agreement to develop and produce the Forward Avionics Bays for the AH-64D Apache Block III helicopters
The Forward Avionics Bays (FABs), mounted on both sides of the Apache helicopters, form the housings for the aircraft’s avionics systems. The Block III FAB is based on a new concept which is lighter and incorporates maintainability improvements. The development activities have already started at the Fokker facility in Hoogeveen (Netherlands). During the development phase the company is working closely together with Boeing Rotorcraft Systems in Mesa. Delivery of the first hardware is scheduled for 2011. Fokker will deliver 43 sets during the planned low rate initial production (LRIP) phase. The total program has a potential of 800 sets. This program provides highly qualified work for 70 specialists at Fokker in Hoogeveen.
This order confirms Fokker’s position as specialist for complex, lightweight aerostructures. Fokker and Boeing have been working together for 14 years in the Apache program and Fokker has now produced almost 900 FAB sets for the Apache AH64D Longbow in Hoogeveen. This new agreement extends the relationship to the newest Apache, the AH64D Block III, making it a milestone in the partnership between the two companies. The Apache helicopter will be used worldwide by numerous countries. The Netherlands has 29 helicopters, which have proven to be of great value in missions such as that in Afghanistan.
Hans Buthker, CEO of Fokker Aerostructures, said: “We are delighted with this new opportunity to grow further, create additional highly qualified employment in Hoogeveen and further extend the relationship with Boeing. We are proud that Boeing has again selected our company. There is an excellent partnership between our specialists and the Boeing team.
This new program will make a significant contribution to the further development of knowledge within our company.
Fokker Aerostructures is regarded internationally as a first-class specialist in complex structural components for aircraft. Fokker Aerostructures is a business unit of Fokker Aerospace, which with 3600 employees holds a prominent position in the aviation industry as a specialized leading player in the market for Electrical Systems, Aerostructures, Landing Gear, Aircraft Maintenance and Technical & Supply Chain Management Services. With a balanced portfolio of programs and innovative technologies, the companies in the group serve virtually most major aircraft manufacturers as well as many operators of Fokker, Bombardier, Boeing 737 and A320 aircraft types.