28-Oct-2010 Source: Royal Danish Air Force
[Electronic translation of Danish language press release]
Helicopter platform at the top of the Empire became a reality after a donation from the AP Møller and Chastine McKinney Møller Foundation for General Purposes and has numerous advantages over the previous solution; In the old days landed rescue helicopter Fælledparken and the patient should therefore first omlastes to an ambulance in order then to be transported in the final steps to the Kingdom. A laborious process which extended the time it took before the patient was under treatment for Empire specialists.
– The most important difference of the platform is of course that the patient quickly. Now they just run out of the helicopter down with the elevator and then they can be under treatment in hospital only five minutes after we landed. Previously, it could take up to 45 minutes depending on your circumstances, says commander JIN who made the landing number 1000 on the helicopter platform.
For the crew of the helicopters are also a number of clear advantages to countries in the empire helicopter platform rather than on the grass in Fælledparken.
– For example, it is obviously good for us that there are staff from the kingdom, which has been trained to maintain a fire emergency when we land. It was not in Fælledparken, so it is a safety improvement on our part. Moreover, the substrate on the platform better to land on because it has a rough, level surface, and because it is heated, so it’s always ice-free. We can also be supplied with fresh information about wind speed and direction, apart from that platform, of course, is disclosed. Overall, it corresponds almost to the situation in a smaller airport, explains JIN.
Landing number 1000 was with a patient from Bornholm, which also just got a helicopter platform at the island’s hospital. Read more about Bornholm Hospital helicopter platform here.