2-Nov-2010 Source: HeliHub.com
This news item is part of the HeliHub.com “Register Updates†series, listing helicopters which have been added to a particular national register, removed from it or the listed owner has changed. Our coverage represents the majority of registration and owner changes within the global civilian helicopter fleet. Most updates are weekly or monthly, although some are less frequent.
VH-CHA B206B (3328) Commercial Helicopters, Mudgee, NSW – ex ZP-HCN
VH-EHY EC130B4 (4224) Avalon Aviation, New Farm, QLD – ex VH-ZVH
VH-FBX AW109S (22081) Linfox Property Group, South Melbourne, VIC – ex VH-FOX
VH-FOU AS350B2 (4915) Australian Aerospace, Bankstown, NSW
VH-FQX R22B (4489) Heliflite, Georges Hall, NSW
VH-HUS R22B (4485) Heliflite, Georges Hall, NSW
VH-JAK B206B (3423) Commercial Helicopters, Mudgee, NSW – ex VH-DCD
VH-JZQ B206B (2561) MIH Assets (owner), MI Helicopters, Urangan, QLD (operator) ex VH-JAK
VH-KWT R44 II (13016) Heliflite, Georges Hall, NSW
VH-RUQ R22B (4488) Heliflite, Georges Hall, NSW
VH-TZI S76C++ (760774) Bristow Helicopters Australia, Redcliffe, WA – ex G-CGLS
VH-UAX KB1178B2 (1006) Rick Lucas Helicopters, Camden, NSW (owner), Heli Utilities, Camden, SW (operator) – ex ZK-HYX
VH-UTX R22B (2891) G Tadgell, Golden Beach, QLD
VH-XRG Bo105LSA-3 (2037) Helibits, Jandakot, WA – ex C-FRIQ
VH-YYF R44 (2090) Heliflite, Georges Hall, NSW
VH-ZDM AS350B2 (2055) Heliproducts Industries, Canada (owner), Bright Helicopters, Bright, VIC (operator) – ex ZK-HKQ
VH-ZFN AW139 (41228) Brilog Leasing (Owner), Bristow Helicopters Australia, Redcliffe, WA (operator)
VH-DCD B206B (3423) re-registered to VH-JAK
VH-DUM R44 II (12086) to Fiji
VH-FOX AW109S (22081) re-registered to VH-FBX
VH-HIP R22 (1384) “placed in storage”
VH-JAK B206B (2561) re-registered to VH-JZQ
VH-ZVH EC130B4 (4224) re-registered to VH-EHY
VH-ZZW EC145 (9177) to Kazakhstan
VH-BTX F280C (1152) Murraylands Helicopter Co, Murray Bridge, SA
VH-CZC EC120B (1454) Fimma Air Services, Notting Hill, VIC
VH-HSR AS350D (1186) Tude’s Choppers, Giru, QLD
VH-KAC B412 (33208) Kestrel LAviation, Mangalore, VIC (operator change only, owner remains same)
VH-OCZ R44 (1870) Crown Point Pastoral Co, Alice Springs, NT
VH-OUF AS350B3 (3271) Aviation Utilities, Camden, NSW (change of operator only, owner remains same)
VH-ZDN AS350BA (1994) National Australia Bank (change of owner only, operator remains same)
VH-ZVH EC130B4 (4224) Avalon Aviation, New Farm, QLD
Register updates – a service of HeliHub.com