2-Nov-2010 Source: HeliHub.com
This news item is part of the HeliHub.com “Register Updates†series, listing helicopters which have been added to a particular national register, removed from it or the listed owner has changed. Our coverage represents the majority of registration and owner changes within the global civilian helicopter fleet. Most updates are weekly or monthly, although some are less frequent.
ZS-HEA H269C (11-1018) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEB H269C (11-1019) G M Roy
ZS-HED H269C (11-1020) Orsmond Aerial Spray
ZS-HEE H269C (11-1021) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEF H269C (70-0942) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEG H269C (80-0950) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEH H269C (100-0982) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEJ H269C (110-0996) Richtrau 83 P/L
ZS-HEV H269C (120-1017) Warne Aviation P/L
ZS-HEW H269C (50-0919) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-HEX H269C (11-1022) Valobex 63 CC
ZS-RDS R44 II (12995) Kotze Family Trust
ZU-RFX Exec 162F (7084) Zumat Trust
ZU-RFY Exec 162F (7038) M Hensman
ZS-RZY AS350B3 (3394) Cancelled
ZU-RJB SE3130 (1227) W J A Louw
Register updates – a service of HeliHub.com