8-Nov-2010 Source: Aviation Codes Central
This news item is part of the HeliHub.com “Register Updates†series, listing helicopters which have been added to a particular national register, removed from it or the listed owner has changed. Our coverage represents the majority of registration and owner changes within the global civilian helicopter fleet. Most updates are weekly or monthly, although some are less frequent.
N109RR EC225LP (2777) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N14UH B230 (23028) PHI, Lafayette, LA (re-reg ex N393AA)
N192TJ B206B (123) [Import pending official registration]
N193TJ B206B (832) [Import pending official registration] ex C-FCJC
N247TS AW109S (22043) Connor Strong Companies Inc, Marlton, NJ (ex N303SP)
N251HC AW109SP (22221) Agusta Aerospace Corp, Philadelphia, PA
N266CY R66 (0010) Robinson Helicopter Co, Torrance, CA
N29VA EC145 (9374) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N311SH OH-58A (71-20860) [Import pending official registration]
N350VR AS350B3 (3715) [Import pending official registration] ex HB-ZET
N368EV AS332L (2179) Evergreen Equity, McMinnville, OR ex C-GBMZ
N39VA EC145 (9384) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N412LS B412EP (36562) Bell Helicopter, Fort Worth, TX
N429LB B429 (57021) Bell Helicopter, Fort Worth, TX
N429QZ B412EP (36556) Bell Helicopter, Fort Worth, TX
N446L R44 (0511) Plane Fun Inc (Trustee) ex F-GOYC
N44939 R44 II (13060) Robinson Helicopter Co, Torrance, CA
N4853S H269C (87-0625) [Import pending official registration] ex C-GSBB
N633AS R66 (0007) Robinson Helicopter Co, Torrance, CA
N6605 R66 (0005) Robinson Helicopter Co, Torrance, CA
N800VK R66 (0008) Robinson Helicopter Co, Torrance, CA
N948AE AS350B3 (7078) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N949AE AS350B3 (7068) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N951AE EC135P2+ (0890) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N952AE EC135P2+ (0896) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N953AE EC135P2+ (0908) American Eurocopter, Grand Prairie, TX
N1040Y TH-55A (64-18227) Cancelled, reason not given
N104BN H369A (59-1148) To Philippines
N10HD TH-13T (67-17030) Cancelled, reason not given
N1109Z H369D (119-0608) Cancelled, reason not given
N11572 OH-6A (67-16092) To Philippines
N119BM AW119 (14016) To Mexico
N151MG AW109S (22120) To Brazil
N187SH H369 (69-0053) To Palau
N303SP AW109S (22043) Re-reg to N247TS
N313LP EC135T1 (0022) To Austria
N3510 B412EP (36540) To Mexico
N354FH B412EP (36539) To Mexico
N369JH OH-6A (68-17347) To Philippines
N393AA B230 (23028) Re-reg to N14UH
N40482 H369HS (31-0309S) To Palau
N62AE B206L-1 (45169) Accident 31-Aug-10 Clinton, AR
N8315F H369HS (36-0801S) To Palau
N907HH H369HS (31-0307S) To Palau
N921AL S-92A (92-0090) To Norway
N9309F H269B (0011) To New Zealand
N154CC R44 II (10052) J & K Helicopters, Fort Lauderdale, FL
N181AF R44 (2100) Joda LLC, Chesterfield, MO
N2801B B47G (1526) J Ann Hirchirt, Kissimmee, FL
N28908 UH-12E (1332) Slikker Flying Service, Bakersfield, CA
N300DS H269C (114-0379) P Horton, Oroville, CA
N431UT B430 (49011) Bell Helicopter, Fort Worth, TX
N432UT B430 (49012) Bell Helicopter, Fort Worth, TX
N447RH R44 (811) Airman Helicopter Inc, Laud by Sea, FL
N44977 R44 (2093) Old City Helicopter Sales Inc, St Augustine, FL
N44UK R44 II (10969) Northwest Regional Aviation Division, Mount Vernon, WA
N5282F MD369E (0603E) R J Machine Co Inc, Marble Falls, TX
N727KP R44 (1416) Aero Leasing Inc, Brooking, OR
N804L S76C (760804) Bristow US Inc, New Iberia, LA
N8353M R22M (2666M) Fix Wing LLC, Plantation, FL
N854WS R44 II (10844) MN Helicopters Inc, Minneapolis, MN
Register updates – a service of HeliHub.com