4-Dec-2010 Source: AMCAR
This news item is part of the HeliHub.com “Register Updates†series, listing helicopters which have been added to a particular national register, removed from it or the listed owner has changed. Our coverage represents the majority of registration and owner changes within the global civilian helicopter fleet. Most updates are weekly or monthly, although some are less frequent.
CC-ACC B407 (54014) RInkeby SA [ex N4039A]
CC-ACM Bo105CBS./4 (S.414) DAP Helicopteros [ex: EC-HNT]
CC-ACN Bo105CBS./4 (S.672) DAP Helicopteros [ex: EC-HPB]
CC-ACS B212 (30818) FAASA Aviacion [ex: EC-HFV]
CC-ACT AW119 II (14754) Heliduero [ex EC-LFN]
CC-ACU AW119 II (14749) Heliduero [ex EC-LFM]
CC-ACY AS350B3 (7073) Eurocopter Cono Sur SA
Register updates – a service of HeliHub.com