Three helicopters crash in same US county within hours

Three helicopters crash in same US county within hours

9-Dec-2010 Source:

As the temperatures in Florida plummet, so helicopters are called in to fly low level over fields to minimise the chance of frost ruining the crop. Sadly, these operations brought no fewer than three casualties in one County earlier today.

Robinson R44 N666SL clipped a post at Palm Beach Glades County Airport, Pahokee around 2am this morning. No injuries to the 2POB report here

Robinson R44 N451DB ended up on its side in a sugar cane field at Coral Ganles around 6am. Pilot sufferend minor injuries only report here

Bell 206L LongRanger also ended up on its side in a field prior to 8am, photos showing the skids ripped off. Another helicopter in the area picked up the pilot and flew him the 7 miles in to Pahokee airport, from where Trauma Hawk EMS helicopter flew him to hospital. Injuries reported as serious but not life threatening. Has been wrongly reported elsewhere as a JetRanger, this photo proves the extra window and thus a LongRanger report here

We wish the injured pilots a speedy recovery.

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