HAI encourages members to sign petition

HAI encourages members to sign petition

3-Oct-2011 Source: HAI

HAI President Matt Zuccaro strongly urges all members of the general aviation community to join the more than 6,000 individuals who have signed a new petition on the White House Web site asking President Obama to take general aviation “user-fees” off the table. To sign the petition to the President, click here.

General aviation is an important contributor to the U.S. economy, supporting more than 1.2 million jobs and $150 billion in economic impact. General aviation and community airports support local employers and jobs, including medical care, law enforcement, disaster relief, mail delivery, firefighting and flight training.

President Obama is calling for a new mandatory $100 per flight turbine aircraft tax/surcharge for air traffic services in controlled airspace. The proposed changes would re-define general aviation aircraft to include any airplane or helicopter not used in commercial or contract carrying of passengers or freight, but which primarily engages in the carrying of passengers. The President is also calling for a change in the business depreciation schedule for aircraft.

Aviation plays a major role in driving U.S. growth and investment across the country and around the world. With current concerns about the stability and future of the U.S. economy, Matt Zuccaro believes it is important to emphasize the vital role that aviation plays in the economy.

Now is not the time to mischaracterize the general aviation industry for political purposes or place additional tax burdens on general aviation

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