Complete Register – Slovakia – January 2012

Complete Register – Slovakia – January 2012

17-Jan-2012 Source:

This news item is part of the “Complete Registers” series, listing every helicopter Currently registered in a particular country. While the majority of our updates continue to be focused on monthly or quarterly reviews of the registrations which have changed (added, removed, change of ownership etc), the “Complete Registers” series allows us to include the more obscure countries by listing every helicopter currently registered in that country. It is important to note that this does not necessarily equate to every helicopter based and operating in the given country. We aim to remove any airframes which are known to be written off, The “Complete Registers” series is also available as a separate option off the “Data” menu above.

The list is sorted by fleet size.  Where a name is against an aircraft and it is annotated “Owner”, that means that the operator is leasing the aircraft from that owner

Air Transport Europe
OM-ATA A109K2 (10015)
OM-ATB A109K2 (10009)
OM-ATD A109K2 (10001)
OM-ATE A109K2 (10012)
OM-ATF A109K2 (10021)
OM-ATG A109K2 (10023)
OM-ATH AS355N (5113)
OM-ATI Mi-8MTV1 (95609)
OM-ATJ A109K2 (10004)
OM-ATK A109K2 (10013)
OM-ATL A109K2 (10008)
OM-EVA Mi-8T (98417157)

EHC Service
OM-ARI B206B (3027) Tatra Leasing (owner)
OM-ARM S300C (S.1268) Tatra Leasing (owner)
OM-ARS S300C (S.1257) Tatra Leasing (owner)
OM-IKM AS355N (5708) Grafobal Group (owner)
OM-IKN AS355N (5681) Tatra Leasing (owner)
OM-GGA AS355NP (5761) Malsor Ltd (owner)
OM-GGB S300C (S.1928) Flight Service (owner)
OM-GGG B206B (4619) Tatra Leasing (owner)

UTair Europe
OM-AVN Mi-8AMT/171 (171C00066431908U)
OM-AVO Mi-8AMT/171 (171C00066431809U)
OM-AVR R44 (2097)
OM-AVP Mi-8T (98841500)
OM-AVS Mi-8T (98839307)
OM-VMT R44 (2066) Villiam Toth (owner)

Tech-Mont Helicopter Co
OM-MDM MD530FF (0158FF)
OM-ORO Mi-8P (10448)
OM-TMT Mi-8T (98308361)

Aerial East
OM-XRA B206B (1789)
OM-XRB AB206B (8246)
OM-XRC AB206B (8530)

Flight Service
OM-JOM R44 (1364) M Klima (owner)
OM-ITI R22 (1302) Slovcopter (owner)

Tatra Jet
OM-TTV AW109E (11703) Optifin Invest (owner)

The remainder of the national fleet are corporate or private operators

OM-ECI EC120B (1592) Quantum Invest
OM-JOP EC120B (1395) M Klima/Auto Darex
OM-DCH R44 (0822) Dubnica Air
OM-HCB R44 (1933) Helico
OM-TCG R44 (1986) T C Group
OM-ART R44 II (11802) ReSpect
OM-CCC R22 (3654) A Cullen
OM-JOV R22 (4096) Kompresory VV
OM-NZM R22 (2366) L Mihalik (owner)
OM-AHA R44 II (11049) Air Carpatia
OM-JOJ R44 II (12222) Fashion TV

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