Single European Sky Initiative Is “Too Important to Fail” says EBAA

Single European Sky Initiative Is “Too Important to Fail” says EBAA

16-Oct-2012 Source: EBAA

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) commends the European  Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas and MEP Brian Simpson for having voiced so forcefully their frustration over the lack of decisive action taken by Member States and for having unequivocally condemned them for failing to make the changes needed to deliver the benefits of the Single European Sky (SES) initiative yesterday at the EU Presidency Cyprus Summit. The Commission’s sentiments are completely aligned with EBAA’s recent calls to national stakeholders to no longer delay in taking action to realise the promises of SES.

“It seems unlikely at present that objectives will be met due to the lack of mobilisation among Member States. There can be no arguing that air traffic control drastically needs modernising in order to create cost-efficient capacity for future growth and help reduce both fuel burns and emissions. On this last point alone, SES could have a real impact on curbing CO2 emissions, far greater than anything the EU ETS hopes to deliver. As such, foot dragging by some Member States seriously jeopardises Europe’s reputation as a leader in tackling environmental issues and reducing carbon emissions,” says Fabio Gamba, CEO of EBAA.

“Airspace users and their passengers are obliged to incur on-going, substantially high costs that should otherwise have been avoidable,” adds Fabio. “Considering the gravity of Europe’s economic landscape today, inefficiencies cannot be afforded in sectors like aviation that are fundamental to enabling Europe’s recovery. The EBAA firmly stands behind the Commission to do whatever is necessary, including enforcing infringement procedures, to put this crucial programme back on track as soon as possible.”

About EBAA:
The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) was founded in 1977 to defend the interests of business aviation. Today, more than 500 business aviation companies (direct members or members of associate organisations) rely on the EBAA to protect their business interests. It is the only voice to represent business aviation among the European institutions. For more information, visit

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