New Z-19 attack helicopter launches at Chinese air show

New Z-19 attack helicopter launches at Chinese air show

12-Nov-2012 Source:

A new two-seat gunship helicopter has been seen for the first time this weekend during preparations for the Zhuhai Air Show which opens today – Monday 12th.  The Z-19 is a tandem-seat helicopter which would appear to have a good deal of commonality to Eurocopter’s Dauphin – produced locally as the Z-9.

From the photo below, we can see that the power train and entire tail boom section – including the fenestron tail rotor and stabliser layout – would appear to have been lifted from the Dauphin/Panther.  The cockpit appears to be all-new, and potentially the most aerodynamic one we have seen.  It’s layout is similar to the Apache, although the pilot’s side windows do not go quite as near the nose of the helicopter as on Boeing’s successful model.

We await further information on how they are positioning the Z-19 against their earlier Z-10 gunship helicopter.

Harry Shu – Beijing correspondent

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