5-Dec-2012 Source: DART Helicopter Services
DART Helicopter Services is pleased to announce their receipt Mexican approval (DGAC) for Vertical Reference Floor Window Kits fitted for AS350 and AS355 series of helicopters.
The DART Vertical Reference Floor Window Kits are available in three sizes to fit various operational requirements. You can now look through the floor window with ease for vertical reference flying. The large size floor window allows you to see further up the line, so you can choose a shorter line, thus enhancing your operating versatility. The large exterior windows install in the aft panel with quarter turn fasteners allowing the window to be easily detached for maintenance purposes.
The Vertical Reference Floor Window Kit now offers a new configuration option. You now are able to install the interior window or install the new Close-out Kit. DART’s new Close-out Kit features aluminum panels that provide a barrier between floor and belly panel to prevent debris or foreign objects from entering the area. With the close out kit installed the interior window may be removed for improved viewing of the line.
Product Features:
“The Vertical Reference Floor Window Kits and now the Close-out Kit make the DART modification the most versatile offering currently available on the market.” Quote Bill Beckett, VP Canadian Operations, DART Helicopter Services.
DART Helicopter Services is a privately held aerospace company, whose primary focus is to design, manufacture, market and distribute innovative & customized STC’d solutions for helicopters and the aerospace industry around the world. With over 600 STC’s and 5,000 products, DART offers a comprehensive portfolio of aftermarket products, accessories, spare parts and tools for civil and military operators, all major rotorcraft OEM’s, completion centers, and MR&O facilities. DART’s extensive engineering capabilities and manufacturing centers of excellence deliver fast time-to-market solutions with superior customer support in over 120 countries worldwide. www.darthelicopterservices.com