3-Jan-2013 Source: HeliHub.com
HeliHub.com publishes what we believe to be the most comprehensive helicopter accident information available on the internet. We do not vouch for completeness – and indeed we regularly add more data for both recent and historical events – but from the feedback we receive from our readers, we are confident that we provide a very comprehensive repository of helicopter safety data.
In 2012, we recorded a total of 133 fatal accidents, sadly involving the loss of 420 lives. Military helicopters accounted for 50 such events and 246 lives (4.9 per accident), while civil helicopters were involved on 83 occasions with 174 lives lost (2.1 per accident). While some of these are from warzones, we acknowledge that there are some accidents in areas of conflict which go unreported, or insufficient information is available for us to file the details accurately and/or completely. In short, the figures could be a little higher – and we would expect these to be military.
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Jeremy Parkin – HeliHub.com