FreeFlight Systems Receives TSO for ADS-B Transceiver

FreeFlight Systems Receives TSO for ADS-B Transceiver

8-Aug-2013 Source: FreeFlight Systems

FreeFlight Systems, a leading developer of avionics for NextGen and flying safety, is proud to announce that the RANGR FDL-978-XVR ADS‐B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance‐Broadcast) 978MHz transceiver family with optional internal WAAS/GPS has received TSO authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration.

FreeFlight Systems’ RANGR FDL-978-XVR transceiver provides full ADS-B In and ADS-B Out capability, with a high integrity WAAS/GPS in a single box that meets pilots’ needs today. Addition of the RANGR product line provides full ADS-B rule compliance while interfacing to the existing Mode A/C or Mode S transponders. Using the RANGR FDL-978-XVR, pilots can receive TIS-B and FIS-B uplinks, giving them access to traffic, graphical weather and other data displayed on a compatible MFD or iPad via our WiFi module as well as being fully compliant with the upcoming ADS-B equipage mandate.

The RANGR FDL-978-XVR also meets all DO‐160 (environmental) requirements for helicopter applications and is certified to DO-282B/TSO C154c, TSO-C157a, TSO-C195a, and TSO-145c. In addition to these certifications, the FreeFlight UAT Radio technology has been proven in multiple rule compliant airborne and ground based applications, and was selected by the FAA to replace older technology systems installed in earlier generation ADS-B equipped aircraft.

Through TIS-B and FIS-B data, the RANGR FDL-978-XVR gives aircraft access to high integrity traffic data as well as a variety of free weather data including: Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METARs), Non-Routine Aviation Weather Reports (SPECIs), Terminal Area Forecasts (TAFs) and their amendments, graphical NEXRAD (regional and CONUS) precipitation maps, Airmen’s Meteorological Conditions (AIRMET), Significant Meteorological Conditions (SIGMET) and Convective SIGMET, Winds and Temperatures Aloft and Pilot Reports (PIREPS).

“FreeFlight Systems is committed to providing high quality, affordable products that integrate with the NextGen infrastructure and provide pilots and aircraft owners with safety and operational benefits, ” said Tim Taylor, CEO of FreeFlight Systems. “The RANGR transceiver is the smallest, lightest, most affordable and easy to install system on the market today, for example the additional TSO-C195a and C-157a authorizations allow the integration to certified displays,” he said.

FreeFlight Systems first received TSO on the RANGR family product line in 2011 and has since worked with the FAA to achieve multiple STC’s and AML’s for fixed wing and rotorcraft platforms. The company continues to add aircraft types to help expedite installations ahead of the upcoming mandate and to enable pilots to enjoy the ADS-B system benefits that are available today.

For more information on purchasing the RANGR FDL-978-XVR, please visit our website or contact your authorized FreeFlight Systems dealer. Find a dealer on the FreeFlight Systems website today:

About FreeFlight Systems
FreeFlight Systems designs and manufactures high-performance avionics for flight safety and for delivering the substantial safety, cost, environmental and other benefits from the NextGen airspace transformation. Founded in 2001 and based in Texas, the company pioneered the first certified aviation WAAS GPS receiver and the first rule-compliant UAT ADS-B system. FreeFlight Systems produces a range of high quality, American-made, competitively priced systems for installation in all aircraft types. For more information, please

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