8-Sep-2013 Source: Rebtech
Company president, Richard Borkowski commented, “We welcome Curtis and his broad base of experience and look forward to what we know will be a significant contribution to REBTECH and our comprehensive product offerings.”
REBTECH, a division of REB Technologies, Inc., is a global industry leader providing advanced military and civil night vision aircraft lighting systems. Based in Bedford, Texas, the company has extensive experience developing night vision lighting for cockpit, cabin and crew stations as well as night vision systems for external airframe applications. REB Technologies has several FAA approved Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) and has performed lighting modifications and installations for military and civil customers in over 8 different countries. REB Technologies provides FAA provides FAA approved instrument repair, overhaul and modification in addition support of developmental requirements for REBTECH and their customers. REBTECH offers additional design, engineering and developmental services for military or civil aircraft applications upon customer request. For further information regarding REBTECH night vision capable lighting systems, please contact Margie Kizlinski, Sales/Program Manager at 817.285.7740 x.201 or atwww.rebtechnvg.com.