L-3 Wescam launches advanced training for MX™-Series of EO/IR turrets

L-3 Wescam launches advanced training for MX™-Series of EO/IR turrets

23-Sep-2013 Source: L-3 Wescam

L-3 WESCAM announced today the launch of its Advanced Operator Training course for the MX™-Series of EO/IR imaging and targeting turrets. Designed for experienced system operators, the new course’s advanced curriculum builds on knowledge acquired in the prerequisite course – WESCAM Operations and Organizational Maintenance.

“The course focuses on a number of key tactical and operational techniques designed to help operators instinctively optimize their MX system while managing the changing environmental conditions and mission obstacles they may encounter,” said Rod Till, vice president of customer service at L-3 WESCAM. “With the techniques learned in this course, our customers will gain knowledge and expertiseto improve their actions during mission planning, execution and review.”

L-3 WESCAM’s Advanced Operator Training course comprises a set of common modules that are completely customized to match the operator’s turret configuration and mission requirements. Course modules include pre-mission planning, execution and tactics, mission analysis, sensor selection and optimization, steering mode selections, in-flight training, MX-Sim training missions and post-mission review. Depending on module customization and the required in-flight training schedule, the course can run between three to five days. Course dates and times are based on customer availability, as the final curriculum is designed to match the exact requirements of each customer group.

The Advanced Operator Training course is the newest component of L-3 WESCAM’s complete training solution. This comprehensive solution is a portfolio of training offerings designed for execution over a period of several years to keep operators, maintainers and their L-3 WESCAM systems operating at maximum potential. The training portfolio includes product familiarization, operation and organizational maintenance, and intermediate-level maintenance courses.

For more information on the Advanced Operator Training course, please contact L-3 WESCAM customer service at 1-888-593-7226 or at training.wescam@L-3com.com.

L-3 WESCAM is a world leader in the design and manufacture of stabilized, multi-spectral imaging systems. To learn more about L-3 WESCAM, please visit the company’s website at www.wescam.com.Headquartered in New York City, L-3 employs approximately 51,000 people worldwide and is a prime contractor in C3ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) systems, platform and logistics solutions, and national security solutions. L-3 is also a leading provider of a broad range of electronic systems used on military and commercial platforms. The company reported 2012 sales of $13.1 billion. To learn more about L-3, please visit the company’s website at www.L-3com.com.

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