28-Oct-2013 Source: Enstrom
Enstrom Helicopter Corporation has received updated type certification in both Brazil and Argentina.
The Brazil Agência Nacional de Aviaçáo Civil issued a Type Certificate for the Enstrom 480 and 480B helicopters. This certification update includes several options that were not previously available. The Brazilian Type Certificate is now current with the FAA Type Certificate.
“Brazilian operators can take advantage of the latest configuration and options available on the 480B,” said Bill Taylor, Director of Engineering at Enstrom. “This reflects Enstrom’s commitment to establishing and supporting a strong fleet in South America.”
In addition, the Argentina Administración de Aviación Civil has also updated the type certification for the Enstrom 480B. Two helicopters were delivered September 2013 to the Cooperativa de Trabajos Portuarios Limitada de Puerto General San Martín in to be used as Emergency Medical Services vehicles. The optional Litter Kit has proved to be a valuable asset in this community.
“We are thrilled to be able to meet our customers’ varied requirements,” said Enstrom’s Director of Sales and Marketing, Orlando Alaniz. “This updated certification allows us to provide helicopters that are designed to meet the unique missions of each user.”
Founded in 1959, Enstrom Helicopter Corporation designs, fabricates, assembles, and tests a full line of light single helicopters for sale and delivery to customers in the global market. They are used for training, executive transport, and commercial operations. Enstrom is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chongqing Helicopter Investment Group (CQHIC) and is located in Menominee, Michigan.