6-Feb-2014 Source: HeliHub.com
Four months after partner city Glendale signed it off, the City of Burbank Council last week confirmed their part of it as well. The proposal to Glendale Council had quoted a total cost of $2,712,980 while the equivalent paperwork from Burbank refers to $2,623,055 – for completeness, these figures need 9% sales tax added. The quoted figure for the total cost has come down due to a “MD520N Tailboom credit” of $89,925 according to the revised proposal from MD Helicopters in December. [As an aside, interesting that MD down-quoted after one party agreed to the purchase]. The aircraft is scheduled for delivery in June 2014
Burbank and Glendale have worked together for many years, and currently operate three MD520N helicopters. Part of the agreement of the new aircraft acquisition is the sale of the oldest of the current three aircraft – N272BP, serial LN040, with proceeds in the range of $450,000 to $550,000 expected. The target on the acquisition of each helicopter is an operational life in this role of 20 years or 15,000 airframe hours.
Jeremy Parkin – HeliHub.com