Genesys Aerosystems announces order for 210 HeliSAS systems to AMGH

Genesys Aerosystems announces order for 210 HeliSAS systems to AMGH

5-Jun-2014 Source: Genesys Aerosystems

Genesys Aerosystems formerly Cobham is pleased to announce an agreement has been signed with Air Medical Group Holdings and its subsidiaries, Air Evac, Med Trans, EagleMed and Reach, for a total of 210 HeliSAS systems in their fleet of Bell and Eurocopter EMS helicopters. The HeliSAS 2-axis autopilot and stability augmentation systems will be installed over the next 3 years beginning immediately.

The HeliSAS stability augmentation system is designed to provide stability and ease of handling. This reduces pilot workload while providing precise control during all modes of flight, regardless of wind conditions or shifts in weight. The attitude stabilization and force feel features enhance handling characteristics and mitigate inadvertent cyclic control inputs that could result in dangerous attitudes. The HeliSas system’s two-axis autopilot allows for Heading and Nav hold as well as vertical speed (VS) and Altitude hold. At 12 pounds, the system is the lightest weight autopilot STC’d in several Part 27 helicopters ideal for HEMS operations.

Roger Smith, CEO of Genesys Aerosystems said, “We recognized the need for a light weight and affordable autopilot and SAS system for Part 27 helicopters, and are excited about partnering with AMGH to add these safety enhancements to their fleet.”

Fred Buttrell, President & CEO of AMGH stated, “ We have had the opportunity to test the capability of the Cobham system and feel that incorporating the HeliSAS recovery and auto pilot capability into our flight operations will provide an incremental safety benefit for our crews and those we serve.”

About Genesys Aerosystems

Genesys Aerosystems is a leading provider of integrated avionics systems for military and civil customers. Genesys Aerosystems’ avionics systems can be offered individually or integrated to provide an entire cockpit. Its synthetic vision Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) revolutionised safety in low-level flight operations and is now approved on more than 700 aircraft and helicopter models. Genesys Aerosystems’ Helicopter Stability Augmentation System and Autopilot (HeliSAS) adds to its extensive range of fixed wing autopilot solutions and brings added safety within the reach of a host of operators for whom such systems were previously too expensive and heavy.

About Air Medical Group Holdings (AMGH)

AMGH, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is the largest independent provider of air medical services in the world, operating through four subsidiaries, Air Evac Lifeteam, EagleMed, Med-Trans Corporation and Reach Air Medical Service which collaborate with leading hospital systems, medical centers and EMS agencies to offer improved access to emergency medical care. The organizations extensive fleet of approximately 250 aircraft rapidly delivers teams of highly trained professionals to patients, striving to provide them with the best possible outcome. AMGH also maintains the largest emergency air medical membership program in the U.S., comprised of more than a million individuals.

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