8-Oct-2014 Source: HeliHub.com
India’s Public Enterprises Selection Board has reportedly picked BP Sharma, an executive director at AAI and the current director of Kolkata airport for the top job at Pawan Hans – under the title of Chairman & Managing Director. The standard process is for Sharma’s name to be sent to the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, headed by the prime minister for final approval.
In reality, the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet rarely rejects the selections made by the Public Enterprises Selection Board. Pawan Hans has been without a full-time chairman and MD for about two years. The new appointee will be in office for a new term of five years.
The current Chairman & Managing Director Anil Srivastava, who has 29 years experience in various Government roles, and has been in office around 2½ years on an interim (!) basis. Srivastava’s appointment in March 2012 was not without local controversy as he also holds the offices of Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Commissioner of Security for Civil Aviation, and was not seen as sufficiently independent to take the Pawan Hans role. In February 2013 there were reports that Sanjiv Bahl was going to be promoted at Pawan Hans from Executive Director to be the new Chairman & Managing Director, but that did not happen.
Pawan Hans is 51% owned directly by the Indian Government and 49% by ONGC Oil & Natural Gas Corporation. In turn, ONGC is 84.11% owned by the Indian Government
Jeremy Parkin – HeliHub.com