KBR to build new Bell new JetRanger X assembly line

KBR to build new Bell new JetRanger X assembly line

13-Nov-2014 Source: KBR

KBR Inc. (NYSE: KBR) announced today that KBR Building Group, a subsidiary within KBR’s Services Group, has been awarded a contract to construct Bell Helicopter’s new facility in Lafayette, LA.

The project is scheduled for completion by June 2015. Bell Helicopter will use the facility to assemble its newest commercial helicopter, the Bell 505 Jet Ranger XTM.

The new 82,300-square-foot hangar facility will be built on a 14.5-acre site. Bell Helicopter will lease the state of Louisiana-funded facility from the Lafayette Regional Airport. Assembly operations are expected to start by 2016 following certification of the facility and the aircraft.

“KBR is pleased to have the opportunity to serve Bell Helicopter as the company moves toward production and delivery of its eagerly awaited Bell 505 aircraft,” said Stuart Bradie, KBR President and Chief Executive Officer. ”KBR Building Group has completed a number of advanced manufacturing facilities for the aerospace sector, and we look forward to delivering another successful project.”

Expected revenue from the contract will be included in the fourth quarter 2014 backlog of unfilled orders for the Services segment. The contract value was not disclosed.

About KBR

KBR is a global engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, hydrocarbons, chemicals, industrial, civil infrastructure, minerals, government services and commercial markets. For more information, visit www.kbr.com.

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