22-Dec-2014 Source: HeliHub.com
In late June, the Netherlands suspended deliveries of their fleet of NH90s due to significant wear and corrosion issues in the aircraft they already had delivered. In recent days, Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has written to the Dutch parliament to say that she is confident with the manufacturer’s assurances to restart deliveries. This was likely to be a balance between getting all the issues resolved and not leaving the country short of helicopter power.
The Dutch military has worked with NH Industries extensively to analyse the problems with the NH90, and put together a so-called “Roadmap” (posh word for a project plan!) to ensure NHI are on course with their promises. NHI Has also accepted full costs incurred for the development of modifications, repair of corrosion damage and designing preventive measures.
No less than 100 issues were raised, and there are now solutions in place for 75 of these. The remaining 25 will be completed during the first half of 2015 during the planned maintenance schedule, some of which may see extended down time.
Jeremy Parkin – HeliHub.com