4-Mar-2015 Source: Metro Aviation
The Helicopter Flight Training Center (HFTC) in Shreveport, Louisiana is growing at a steady pace. Already home to a FlightSafety AS350 Level 7 Flight Training Device and an EC135 Level D Full Motion Simulator, the center will add a Frasca Bell 407/GX Flight Training Device this summer.
Simulators are great tools for aviators, and allow pilots to practice scenarios and maneuvers that cannot be safely replicated in an actual aircraft. Most operators receive 80 to 90 percent training credit in the center’s Level 7 Flight Training Device. With the latest addition of an AS350 helicopter, customers can now complete all of their training in one place.
“We are excited to have an AS350 helicopter to support our customers’ training programs,” said Helicopter Flight Training Center Director Terry Palmer. “We are quickly becoming a one-stop shop for the industry’s training needs.”
Helicopters, Inc., a leading provider of helicopters for electronic news gathering (ENG), leased the AS350 to the training center for customers to complement their training program. Helicopters, Inc. is using both the flight training device and the aircraft to provide their pilots with a complete training package, and that same option is available for other HFTC customers.
The Helicopter Flight Training Center offers simulators for dry lease and is also available to assists operators with the development of their training plan. Meet the team at HELI-EXPO 2015 on Booth 2428.