2-Jun-2015 Source: HAI
Helicopter Foundation International (HFI) has long recognized the need for qualified commercial helicopter pilots and maintenance technicians — the current shortage is very real and many of our experienced pilots and maintenance technicians are nearing retirement age. HFI annually offers up to 19 scholarships to help support students studying to become part of tomorrow’s vertical aviation industry.
The Michelle North Scholarship for Safety and the Bill Sanderson Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Scholarships open June 1. Apply today!
Michelle North Scholarship for Safety: Established in memory of Michelle North, a well-known helicopter safety expert and educator, this scholarship is awarded to a pilot who has already attained a commercial rating and demonstrates an outstanding aptitude for safe flying and aviation best practices. One scholarship may be awarded.
Bill Sanderson Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Scholarships: Founded by Helicopter Association International’s (HAI) Technical Committee to promote the choice of helicopter maintenance as a career. Bill Sanderson AMT Scholarship winners attend a course from a selection offered by airframe and power plant manufacturers. Up to eight scholarships may be awarded.
The application deadline for these scholarships is November 30, 2015, and only applications that meet the minimum qualifications will be considered. Fill out the forms and collect and submit all of the necessary supporting documentation to: HFI Scholarships, 1920 Ballenger Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 or email scholarships@rotor.org.
HFI’s Commercial Helicopter Pilot Rating and Maintenance technician Certificate Scholarship application season will open on September 1, and close November 30, 2015. Students who will receive their Commercial Helicopter Pilot Rating or Maintenance Technician Certificate prior to January 1, 2016 are not eligible to receive these scholarship awards.