Helicopter mechanic killed while working on Bell 47

Helicopter mechanic killed while working on Bell 47

8-Jun-2015 Source: HeliHub.com

Helicopter mechanic Jeffrey Lee Graham died on Friday morning while working on a Bell 47G helicopter at Hudson, Iowa.  The press statement from Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office was brief but confirmed “a fatal workplace accident that occurred while maintenance was being done on a stationary helicopter”.  The address of the location matches that of Ritel Copter Service.

Ritel’s website indicates the company was “established by Richard (Dick) and Thelma Green to help farmers in the surrounding area protect crops from various weed and pest pressures. Dick a farmer himself, had a strong passion for flying and with the support of his family started spraying with a Bell 47 helicopter in 1970. Since that time RITEL has grown to be a superb choice in providing aerial services in Iowa and continues to ensure strong customer satisfaction.”

Press reports of the event show a Bell 47G with one of its tail rotor blades bent round and the police cordon covered over the area of ground around the tail rotor.

William P Johnson – HeliHub.com US correspondent

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