Palm Beach Helicopters to provide training course financing

Palm Beach Helicopters to provide training course financing

23-Sep-2015 Source: Palm Beach Helicopters

Palm Beach Helicopters will begin an in house financing program for all flight courses. Rates and terms will vary based on the individual and the courses taken, however, for the career courses the rates and terms will be very similar to those found in federal student loans. Financing of up to 70% of the total course cost can be extended to qualified students who are U.S. Citizens.

Current President and owner, Dan Crowe, stated “There is no shortage of people who want to enter this exciting career but finding a source of funding for a vocational school is much more challenging than at an accredited institution. A flight school extending credit and investing in its students in this way is a rare but a badly needed solution to training the next generation of helicopter pilots”.

About Palm Beach Helicopters

Palm Beach Helicopters is a FAA 141 approved flight school with examining authority. Approved Part 141 courses include; Private, Commercial, instrument, CFI, CFI!, ATP, Commercial Add-On, Private Add-On, Night Vision Goggles Initial, Night Vision Goggles Recurrent, Night Vision Goggles Instructor, External Load, and Turbine Transition. Palm Beach Helicopters is approved for Veterans and to host nonimmigrant foreign students through SEVIS.

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