16-Oct-2015 Source: Port Metro Vancouver
Port Metro Vancouver has donated a specialized infrared camera to North Shore Rescue. When required by North Shore Rescue the camera will be mounted to a helicopter and used as a tool to help locate missing people in challenging terrain.
The camera, a SeaFlir II-C stabilized imaging system, utilizes FLIR (forward looking infrared radiometer) technology to locate the heat of an object or person, known as a heat signature. The technology can be very effective when a direct line of sight may not be possible. The specialized camera has the ability to lock onto a heat source and track it for extended periods of time.
“This camera was used by our operations crews to maintain the safe, secure, efficient and reliable movement of marine traffic and cargo within Port Metro Vancouver’s jurisdiction,” said Peter Xotta, Port Metro Vancouver’s Vice President of Planning and Operations. “As we have recently purchased new patrol boats already outfitted with similar technology, we are delighted to support North Shore Rescue by donating what remains a very useful tool.”
FLIR-Camera-1The steep, tree-dense terrain of the North Shore Mountains, where North Shore Rescue primarily operates, can make it very difficult to locate lost or injured people. In many cases a subject may be obscured from view by boulders or poor lighting conditions, or may be incapable of getting into a large open area in order to flag down a search helicopter.
“The North Shore Rescue team assists the police, fire and ambulance service with mountain search and rescue, helicopter rescue and urban search and rescue. North Shore Rescue members are frequently called out to look for lost or missing subjects that are located in challenging mountainous terrain,” said Jim Loree, North Shore Rescue. “The heat locating abilities of the FLIR camera will give the search crews an added advantage of being able to locate a subject without relying exclusively on the human eye.”
In 2014 Port Metro Vancouver unveiled two new patrol vessels and other operations and security assets. The vessels provide marine surveillance, early incident detection and activity tracking, and are equipped with two new FLIR cameras with thermal and night vision capabilities.
North Shore Rescue expects to have the camera in operation by January 2016.
About Port Metro Vancouver
Port Metro Vancouver is Canada’s largest port and the third largest tonnage port in North America, responsible for Canada’s trade with more than 160 world economies. Located in a naturally beautiful setting on Canada’s west coast, Port Metro Vancouver is responsible for the efficient and reliable movement of goods and passengers, and integrates environmental, social and economic sustainability initiatives into all areas of port operations. Port Metro Vancouver is committed to meaningful engagement with the communities in which it operates and the shared obligation to improve the quality of life for Canadians. Enabling the trade of approximately $187 billion in goods annually, the port generates an estimated 100,000 jobs, $6.1 billion in wages, and $9.7 billion in GDP across Canada. As a non-shareholder, financially self-sufficient corporation established by the Government of Canada, Port Metro Vancouver operates pursuant to the Canada Marine Act and is accountable to the elected federal Minister of Transport.
About North Shore Rescue
North Shore Rescue (NSR) is a Mountain Search and Rescue Team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The team consists of approximately 40 volunteers skilled in search and rescue operations in mountain, canyon and urban settings. The team provides search and rescue services to: the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP); RCMP and municipal police services, municipal fire services; BC Ambulance Service; other SAR teams in BC and Washington State; and local and regional governments during civil emergencies.