Airbus Helicopters believe EC225 is safe to fly

Airbus Helicopters believe EC225 is safe to fly

3-May-2016 Source: Airbus Helicopters

Below is the wording of two separate statements from manufacturer Airbus Helicopters following the accident of an EC225 operated by CHC on 29th April


May 1, 2016 – Considering the additional information gathered during the last 48 hours, Airbus Helicopters’ decision, at this stage, is to not suspend flights of any nature for the EC225LP.

However, out of respect for all those affected by the accident, Airbus Helicopters continues to stand by the decision taken by the Norwegian and UK authorities to put commercial EC225LP passenger flights on hold in Norway and in the UK.

As investigations are progressing, Airbus Helicopters intends to provide an update in the coming days.

April 29, 2016 – Airbus Helicopters regrets to confirm that a H225 operated by CHC was involved in a fatal accident off the coast of Norway near Turoey outside Bergen on Friday 29th April.

Preliminary information obtained indicates that the helicopter was flying from Gullfaks B oil platform and was carrying a crew of 2 people plus 11 passengers from Statoil ASA. Latest reports state that 11 people have died and two are missing.

Airbus Helicopters and all of its staff are deeply affected by this tragic accident. We share the pain of the families, friends and colleagues of the victims.

At this point in the investigation, we do not have any information that allows us to understand the causes of the accident that involved the aircraft’s rotor being detached, nor to make any links to events that have occurred previously.

Airbus Helicopters is participating in the on-going investigation and two technical experts are currently on their way to Norway to provide their assistance to the local authorities. In the frame of the investigation, information related to the background of the aircraft is being gathered. The preliminary elements of the inquiry should become available in the coming days.

Under these tragic circumstances, and until these elements are available, we are allied with the decision taken to put all commercial EC225LP passenger flights on hold.

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