28-Jun-2016 Source: EHAC
“People in medical emergencies – aren’t they our most important motivation?” asked the President of EHAC Stefan Becker at the beginning of the symposium of the European HEMS and Air Ambulance Committee (EHAC). More than 50 experts from all parts of Europe discussed the situation and further development of air rescue from 15-16 June 2016 in Baden-Baden, Germany. Represented at this meeting, alongside air rescue organisations, were also the manufacturers of helicopters and medical equipment as well as important suppliers. In the course of the symposium no different answer to the initially raised question about the motivation in HEMS could be identified by the experts.
The General Assembly has elected Petra van Saaze, Director at the Dutch ANWB Medical Air Assistance, as Board Member, following Denise Eikelenboom, who has resigned. Also elected has been Roland Hengartner, CEO at Aerolite in Switzerland, as auditor for EHAC.
To ensure an optimal medical care for emergency patients EHAC continually strives to make air-rescue operations as safe, effective and consistent as possible. Furthermore EHAC wants to actively shape the future of air rescue together with the air rescue organisations, medical professional associations, public authorities and manufacturers in an innovative manner. For this purpose, international experts addressed political, medical and flight operation issues in numerous presentations. In addition to scientific studies and examples of best practice, future scenarios for application possibilities for rescue helicopters were discussed. The participants also talked about the increasing risks caused by private drone operations for air-rescue missions and how to prevent accidents.
At the operation center of DRF Luftrettung at the airport Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, the participants gained insights into technical aspects of DRF Luftrettung. Technical Director Thilo Scheffler guided a tour through the maintenance section with its eleven maintenance docks and its adjacent workshops, where the airworthiness of the DRF Luftrettung air ambulance aircraft and their more than 50 helicopters is ensured 24/7. Thilo Scheffler and Medical Director Jörg Braun emphasised the performance of the H145 helicopter and the flexibility of the co-developed medical interior concept.
The symposium was co-organised by DRF Luftrettung and co-sponsored by Aerolite AG, Airbus Helicopters, ASQS and Leonardo Helicopters.