Aspen Receives FAA Certifcation For Genesys

Aspen Receives FAA Certifcation For Genesys

10-Oct-2016 Source: Aspen Avionics

Aspen Avionics announced today that it has received certification to interface its Evolution 1000 Pro Primary Flight Display (PFD) with the System 55X autopilot by Genesys Aerosystems. The STC will cover hundreds of light single and twin piston aircraft platforms.

“Aspen’s Pro PFD with the Genesys System 55X autopilot enhances the basic 55X autopilot function and streamlines the controls, reducing workload,” said Perri Coyne, Aspen director of marketing operations.  She adds, “When combined with all the features and benefits of Aspen’s glass panel technology, flying becomes easier and safer, especially for single pilot IFR missions.”

“Following the highly-praised and successful levelofintegration ofAvidyne’sDFC90autopilotforAspen displays,ourlatestoffering,the Genesys System 55X autopilotintegration will greatly improve flightsafetybysimplifying themode andaltitude select tasks bypresenting all autopilotoperationsin one,easy-to-read location on theEvolution 1000 PFD,”said John Uczekaj, Aspen presidentand CEO.

System benefits:

  • Reduces workload:  No multiple altimeter setting adjustment required; engagement of autopilot functions are faster and simpler
  • Panel upgrades improve instrument scan:  Replaces separate monochrome displays, push buttons and panel knobs with a full color display directly in the pilot’s line of sight
  • Saves panel space:  Consolidates annunciation into a primary display, eliminating the need for a remote annunciator
  • Smooth, automatic level-off with no altitude overshoot:  Adds altitude preselect integrated with commanded “smart” vertical speed technology.  Reduces vertical speed as the preselected altitude is approached

Key features:

  • Ability to set desired vertical speed and altitude on the PFD
  • All autopilot annunciations are displayed in the pilot’s line of sight on the PFD display reducing pilot scan
  • Adds flight director capability for coupled autopilot operations as well as while hand flying for smoother control
  • Autopilot vertical speed command reduces when approaching set altitude for a smooth transition to level off during altitude capture

Integrating the System 55X autopilot with Aspen displays requires a software unlock and Analog Converter Unit 2 (ACU2).  The software unlock is priced at $1,995 for customers who already have an ACU2  installed.  For those customers who require an ACU2,  bundled pricing for the ACU2 and System 55X unlock is $2,995.

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