STAT Medevac Selects SKYTRAC for HAA-Compliant Flight Data Monitoring

STAT Medevac Selects SKYTRAC for HAA-Compliant Flight Data Monitoring

9-Mar-2017 Source: SKYTRAC Systems

STAT MedEvac, the largest not-for-profit operated and dispatched helicopter air ambulance system in the United States, has selected SKYTRAC Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) with real-time data analytics for their fleet of EC135 and EC145 helicopters.

The solution will provide STAT MedEvac with a fully FAA-compliant Helicopter Air Ambulance (HAA) flight data monitoring package and includes complete implementation, certification and documentation support.

As a SKYTRAC client, STAT MedEvac will uniquely benefit from live in-flight monitoring with automated and real-time air-to-ground alerts. The STAT MedEvac team will be notified by email or SMS as soon as SKYTRAC’s onboard ISAT-200A data acquisition unit detects a critical or high-severity in-flight event. Real-time exceedance parameters are adjustable by the client and can be easily updated to support the long-term and changing needs of the operator.

To ensure STAT MedEvac benefits from maximum data automation, SKYTRAC also supplies the client with a custom, digital pre-flight checklist as part of system implementation. The digital risk analysis matrix will be stored on the same ISAT-200A hardware and will be accessible to pilot and crew via cockpit Wi-Fi and a tablet-based Electronic Flight Bag.

STAT MedEvac continues to use SKYTRAC global flight following with voice and text services on their fleet. As part of their FDM implementation project, the operator will upgrade to SKYTRAC HRD high resolution tracking service to provide visibility into precision flight paths. SKYTRAC HRD will be used to provide accurate mileage tracking for billing purposes.

“SKYTRAC offers a proven, reliable and truly global flight data monitoring solution. Moreover, we provide a one-stop solution that can resolve multiple operator challenges within the same hardware and software package. Our goal was to provide STAT MedEvac with a suite of practical tools to help them capture critical inflight safety and maintenance data in the shortest possible timeframe while also streamlining existing reporting processes,” said SKYTRAC VP Sales Jan van der Heul.

“STAT MedEvac required an established FDM system that could be implemented quickly and easily without extensive burden to our team. The SKYTRAC solution offers high-value, low-burden HAA compliance. We selected SKYTRAC based on their ability to deliver proactive safety and maintenance management tools in a minimal timeframe and with superior support,” said STAT MedEvac President and Chief Executive Officer Douglas Garretson.

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