3-Jan-2018 Source: AHS
The AHS Awards Program was initiated in 1944 and over the years has paid tribute to the world’s outstanding leaders in industry, government and academia. The number of awards presented annually has grown steadily, as has the prestige and importance associated with them. The AHS Awards Program acts as a catalyst for stimulating technological advances in vertical flight aircraft.
Please consider nominating a colleague for one of our awards. Hundreds of AHS members have been recognized over our 70+ year history.
Click on the links below to find out more about each award and for a list of past honored awardees.
AgustaWestland International Fellowship Award
Recognizes significant contributions to the extension of fellowship and accomplishment in the international rotorcraft arena.
François-Xavier Bagnoud Award
Recognizes an outstanding career-to-date contribution to vertical flight technology by an AHS member under the age of 35.
Grover E. Bell Award
Given for an outstanding research and experimentation contribution to the field of vertical flight development brought to fruition during the preceding calendar year.
Frederick L. Feinberg Award
Presented to the vertical flight aircraft pilot or crew who demonstrated outstanding skills or achievement during the preceding calendar year.
Paul E. Haueter Award
Presented for an outstanding technical innovation in the development of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft other than a helicopter or an operational vertical flight aircraft.
Honorary Fellows
Honorary Fellowships are granted to Society members whose career-based leadership, vision or other meritorious contribution has advanced significantly the interests of AHS International and the vertical flight community. The granting of Honorary Fellows shall be in perpetuity and limited in number to two per annum.
Howard Hughes Award
Given in recognition of an outstanding improvement in fundamental vertical flight technology brought to fruition during the preceding calendar year.
Harry T. Jensen Award
Given in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the improvement of rotorcraft reliability, maintainability, or safety through improved design brought to fruition during the preceding year.
Dr. Alexander Klemin Award
Given for notable achievement in advancement of vertical flight aeronautics.
Captain William J. Kossler, USCG Award
Given for the greatest achievement during the preceding year related to the operation or application of a vertical flight aircraft.
Alexander A. Nikolsky Honorary Lectureship
Given to an individual who has a highly distinguished career in vertical flight aircraft research and development and is skilled at communicating their technical knowledge and experience.
Robert L. Pinckney Award
Is given in recognition of notable achievement in manufacturing research and development for rotorcraft or rotorcraft components brought to fruition in recent years.
John J. Schneider Historical Achievement Award
Given in recognition of distinguished achievement of an individual in encouraging appreciation of and enhancing access to the history and legacy of vertical flight aircraft.
Igor I. Sikorsky International Trophy
Given to the company that designed and manufactured a pure helicopter establishing an official record during the preceding calendar year in the official Class E-1 category for maximum speed, altitude, distance or payload.
Supplier Excellence Award
Created in 1995, the AHS Supplier Excellence Award is given to a supplier who, through the quality, innovativeness and cost-effective technology of its products, has made a notable contribution to improving the state of the art of vertical flight aircraft.
Technical Fellows
AHS Technical Fellowships are granted to Society members whose career-based accomplishments towards the goals and objectives of the vertical flight community constitute an outstanding technical achievement.
Vertical Flight Heritage Site
Given to recognize and preserve noteworthy and significant contributions made in both the theory and practice of helicopter and other VTOL aircraft technology. This award promotes the rich history of the vertical lift industry to the public.
Chapter Member Increase Contest
First place awarded to the AHS chapter with the greatest net growth at the end of the contest period.
Chapter Percent Increase Contest
First place is awarded to the AHS chapter with the greatest percent increase at the end of the contest period.
Every Member-Get-A-Member Contest
First place is awarded to the AHS chapter whose members sponsor the most new members during the contest period.
Individual Member Sponsor Contest
The AHS member who sponsors the greatest number of new members during the contest year wins a trip to the AHS Annual Forum.
Alfred Gessow Award
Given to the Best Paper at AHS Annual Forum.
Robert L. Lichten Award
Established to provide an incentive to AHS members, who have not previously presented the results of their work at a technical forum, to begin presenting their work at local and regional AHS meetings.
Procedures and Eligibility Statement
Eligibility Statement
Vertical Flight Foundation Scholarship Recipients
Merit-based a scholarships are available for promising undergraduate and graduate students who plan to pursue careers in vertical flight.
Scholarship recipients
Student Design Competition
AHS International in cooperation with the major U.S. helicopter manufacturers, conducts an annual helicopter design competition in an effort to promote student interest in vertical flight.
AHS Igor I. Sikorsky Human Powered Helicopter Competition
To be awarded to the first team to demonstrate a successful controlled flight of a human powered helicopter. Please read the official press release for complete details on this landmark event. Visit the Human Powered Helicopter web page to learn more.
AHS congratulates AeroVelo on winning the prize!