New HeliOffshore Videos Show How Operational Effectiveness Programmes Can Enhance Safety

New HeliOffshore Videos Show How Operational Effectiveness Programmes Can Enhance Safety

6-Jun-2018 Source: HeliOffshore

HeliOffshore has released a series of new videos showing how the implementation of key safety programmes can enhance the safety of offshore helicopter operations. The new videos show how HeliOffshore members are seeking to further support frontline safety by adopting three key programmes championed by the global offshore safety association’s Operational Effectiveness workstream: Approach Path Management guidelines, Line Operations Safety Audits (LOSAs) and Flight Crew Operating Manuals (FCOMs).

The right training and preparation are critical to helping offshore helicopter pilots to safely manage the approach path phase of flights. In HeliOffshore’s new Approach Path Management video, senior pilots and safety experts from member operators explain how this can be achieved.

LOSAs can provide offshore helicopter operators with a valuable and fully authentic picture of how the reality of frontline operations may differ from what called for in standard operating procedures. In HeliOffshore’s new LOSA video, safety experts from member companies explain how this completely confidential approach gives flight crew and manager an unprecedented opportunity to assess the safety of operations, and to make changes as necessary.

FCOMs give helicopter operators the most complete picture of how aircraft designers intended the aircraft to be flown, and how they can make the best possible use of all aircraft systems and the high level of automation they now include. HeliOffshore’s new video shows how FCOMs are making a positive impact on those operators who have already adopted them.

You can find all the new videos at the Resources page of the website, and also at HeliOffshore’s YouTube channel. Please help us to encourage implementation of these key safety programmes by sharing the videos widely with others. HeliOffshore’s YouTube channel also features other new videos that give a full picture of the work our members are doing to enhance safety so please subscribe to the channel.

The videos were shot on location with HeliOffshore member operators around the world. We are especially grateful for the assistance and expertise provided by the following companies: Babcock Aviation Offshore, Bristow Group, CHC Helicopter, Cougar Helicopters, and Weststar Aviation.

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