30-Oct-2018 Source: DRF Luftrettung
[electronic translation] Filderstadt. Dr. hc Rudolf Böhmler was re-elected a few days ago as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the DRF Foundation Luftrettung gemeinnützige AG for a further five years. Other members are René Closter, President of the Luxembourg Air Rescue and the graduate in business administration and business psychologist Annette Sohns.
Böhmler was a member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from 2007 until the end of 2014. Previously, the lawyer from Schwäbisch Gmünd worked as Secretary of State and head of the State Chancellery in the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry.
In addition, Dr. hc Rudolf Böhmler since October 2015 President of the Förderverein DRF eV He is supported by Annette Sohns and René Closter as Vice Presidents.
The non-profit DRF Luftrettung based in Filderstadt consists of three parts: The DRF Foundation Luftrettung with its chairman Willem G. van Agtmael, the DRF Foundation Luftrettung non-profit AG and the DRF eV The purpose of the Förderverein DRF eV is to raise funds, which DRF Foundation Air Rescue and the DRF Foundation air rescue charitable AG. To finance the often life-saving work of the DRF Luftrettung, the roughly 380,000 supporters in the DRF eV make a decisive contribution.
At 31 locations in Germany and Austria, DRF Luftrettung uses helicopters for emergency rescue and transport of intensive care patients between clinics. In addition, the nonprofit organization uses its ambulance aircraft to bring patients from abroad back when necessary for medical reasons. Around 590 emergency physicians, 120 paramedics, 170 pilots and around 130 technicians are working for the DRF Luftrettung. Year after year, the red and white air rescue teams start over 38,000 sorties.