Genaire expands fuel cell repair capabilities to include Bell 412 and 214

Genaire expands fuel cell repair capabilities to include Bell 412 and 214

9-Nov-2018 Source: Genaire

Genaire is proud to expand it’s fuel cell repair capabilities to now include Bell Helicopters Models 412 and 214.

The care and maintenance of an aircraft’s fuel cell is an incredibly important responsibility. To ensure we are providing the best possible service, we have developed proprietary testing methods that have allowed us to repair all variations of bladder type tanks, including self sealing and crash resistant. We’re proud to have been servicing tanks for Military and civilian customers for over 50 years.

Genaire provides a full-service approach. We don’t just repair leaks, we examine and test the entire fuel cell and address any porous or problem areas, even if they may not be leaking (yet). Based on our years of experience we suggest what needs to be repaired to keep the tank flying because we know the last thing you want to do is have to take it out again any time soon.

All repairs are carried out by our certified Fuel Cell Technicians using heat, pressure, and adhesive to bond new fabric to the fuel cell following repair and overhaul procedures set out by fuel cell manufacturers such as Amfuel, Engineered Fabric, Firestone, Goodyear, Uniroyal and by the Canadian Department of National Defence CFTO’s and U.S. Naval Air Command Repair and Technical Fuel Cell Repair Manuals.

Our facility is climate controlled with a state-of-the-art air make-up system, where we not only repair fuel cells, but warehouse them for both Military and civilian customers. Because of this facility, our customers can cut down on storage costs while still maintaining access to serviceable fuel cells at a moments notice. We also provide an ongoing maintenance program for warehoused tanks that has them checked yearly and properly maintained in the best condition possible.

The facility is subject to the Department of National Defence Controlled Goods Program under Group 5, subgroup 1001.

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