DRF Luftrettung buys Northern HeliCopter GmbH

DRF Luftrettung buys Northern HeliCopter GmbH


[electronic translation] The Northern HeliCopter GmbH (NHC), Emden, has a new strong partner at their side: The DRF Foundation Luftrettung gemeinnützige AG (DRF Luftrettung) has taken retroactive to January 1, 2019, the shares of the air rescue company to 100 percent.
The independence of the NHC and its service portfolio for the people in the region do not change as a result of the change of ownership: As a reliable provider of ambulance flights and subsidiary operations in the air and water rescue, as an experienced company in the offshore rescue and in passenger transport to the With its expertise, NHC will continue to make wind farms available to people in the North and Baltic Seas, the East and North Frisian Islands and the Halligen Islands.
“It is important to us to use synergies to be able to provide professional and optimal medical care to patients in need of our help and to sustainably secure the important contribution of Northern HeliCopter GmbH to the wellbeing of coastal people. In addition, with the takeover we are expanding our know-how and our range of services to include further fields of expertise in the field of offshore rescue and the use of ambulance helicopters, “says Dr. med. Peter Huber, CEO of DRF Luftrettung and new NHC CEO as Accountable Manager. Other NHC managing directors are Christian Müller-Ramcke and Armin Ortmann.
“The proximity of the DRF Luftrettung to NHC is particularly evident in the highly qualified medical and flight operations expertise, the professional equipment and maintenance of the helicopters and in the training, further education and training of employees. The synergies will benefit both air rescue companies, “said Armin Ortmann. “Even as a wholly owned subsidiary of DRF Luftrettung, NHC can maintain its flexibility. At the same time, we can tailor the service even more consistently and focused to the needs of the coastal region in offshore, air and water rescue, “says Christian Müller-Ramcke, explaining the benefits for NHC.
“As a former principal shareholder, we are pleased that NHC has found a strong and sustainable partner,” says AG “EMS”. Bernhard Brons. The “EMS” corporation now wants to concentrate entirely on its core business of maritime and tourism services.

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