9-May-2019 Source: CHC
CHC Helicopter and Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, have announced the opportunity for aviation students to apply for two grants to attend the 2019 CHC Safety & Quality Summit in Dallas this October. This partnership will support students with fully funded travel and entrance to both the renowned industry safety event and one of the leading Human Factors training courses in aviation.
The Peter Gardiner Grant, named after the late Dr. Peter Gardiner, a major figure in establishing and shaping the Summit in its early days, is provided by CHC in collaboration with Dr. Scott Shappell and Dr. Doug Wiegmann, co-developers of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS).
Sikorsky, a key sponsor and long-time supporter of the Safety & Quality Summit, will award the Sikorsky Safety Scholarship to a deserving aviation student. This will be the third year Sikorsky has awarded the student grant on behalf of the Summit.
Students interested in being considered for either of these grant opportunities must currently be engaged in an aviation-related educational program and will need to submit an application, along with a 500 word essay related to this year’s theme for the Summit: “Shining a Light on Safety: Are We Looking in the Right Places?”