6-Sep-2019 Source: HeliOffshore
HeliOffshore is pleased to welcome Nigeria-based Nesto Aviation Services (NestAv) as an operator member. NestAv provides flight services for offshore oil and gas logistics support services to the upstream and downstream Oil and Gas sector in Nigeria, West Africa and beyond.
The Managing Director of NestAv, Obinna Ojiako, says “Membership of the HeliOffshore community is another opportunity for NestAv to collaborate with peers in the industry in our shared commitment to deliver safe services for those working offshore. We have a concerted focus on safety, and we continue to pursue safety at all times.”
“NestAv’s membership of HeliOffshore indicates positive commitment to taking action to further enhance safety in offshore helicopter operations” says HeliOffshore CEO Gretchen Haskins. NestAv joins over 116 organisations in the HeliOffshore network in collaborating for safety in offshore helicopter operations.