We all know that sanctions are being brought against particular Russian interests by various Governments around the world, following the invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, significant pressure is being put on large corporations to distance themselves from their involvement with Russia.
On that basis, HeliHub.com reached out to four helicopter OEMs to ask – the top four by factory-new airframe deliveries in recent years. Here are their responses – we will leave the reader to consider each, particularly in the light of some options being left open.
Airbus Helicopters
“In line with international sanctions currently in place, Airbus has suspended deliveries and support services to Russian customers, as well as the supply of spare parts to the country. This is applicable to all our activities across all divisions. Genuine registered Airbus parts are only available from Airbus directly or Airbus accredited centres in compliance with international embargoes and applicable laws. “
Bell Flight
“Textron is no longer doing business within Russia and is closing its Russia office. We will cease sales of our aviation and other products and services in Russia.”
“Leonardo is responding to our respective government policies across our geographies. Leonardo Helicopters’ commercial activities are suspended in terms of both sales and deliveries. No components and spares are sent to Russia, and Company’s personnel was recalled back to Italy weeks ago. All activities remain subject to the evolution of the scenario according the home governments’ policies.“
“We advised in our February 28 letter to Russian Dealers, Service Centers and operators, Robinson Helicopter Company is not processing, shipping or accepting any orders from Russia. This includes both new helicopters, spares and overhauled or repaired components.“