30-Mar-2022 Source: Oscar Bernardiv
Elilombarda, one of the oldest Italian helicopter companies, based in Calcinate del Pesce, Varese, won a contract to supply 2 helicopters to ENI, the Italian multinational oil and gas company, to support oil rigs in the Adriatic and Sicilian seas.
The contract starting on April 1st 2022 will last 5 years, utilizing two Leonardo AW109ST Trekker helicopters. One will be based in Ravenna and the other at Gela, Sicily, each close to ENI’s refineries.
The helicopters are in a 6 pax configuration, that can be quickly converted with a litter, thanks to a quick HEMS kit, to provide emergency medical evacuation 24×7.
Elilombarda takes over from Babcock MCS Italia, who have been utilizing 2 Leonardo AW109SP on this contract.
These new Trekker are the first worldwide for the Oil & Gas market and among the first in general to be operated in Italy. The first Italian AW109ST was delivered to HoverFly, and is used for charter operations.
Text and photos by Oscar Bernardi