Aero Asset’s 2022 Half-Year Heli Market Trends report found that preowned twin-engine helicopter retail sales and supply for sale both declined compared to the previous year.
Twin engine retail sales volume dropped to 73 units in the first six months of 2022, down 17 percent compared to the same period in 2021. Dollar volume jumped 12 percent to $264 million, despite fewer deals overall. Supply for sale was 30 percent lower than the same period the year prior.
“The absorption rate improved slightly, to 12 months year-over-year, and remained stable compared to the previous semester,” said Aero Asset Vice President of Market Research Valerie Pereira. “The number of deals pending at various stages of transaction increased 20 percent in the second quarter of 2022 compared to the second quarter of 2021.”
Weight Class Performance
Supply for sale continued to decrease in all asset classes through 2022. Light and medium twin engine retail sales volume decreased nearly 20 percent year-over-year.
Heavy helicopter retail sales volume increased over the same period.
The best performing preowned twin engine market in the first half of 2022 was the Airbus EC/H145, followed by the Leonardo AW139 and the Airbus EC/H135. Two twin engine models saw no preowned retail sales over the first six months of 2022: the S-76D and AW169.
North American and European sales volume accounted for 75 percent of total transactions in the first half of 2022. Europe was the only region with a positive trend in transaction volume. Year-over-year sales volume of VIP and utility configurations decreased by 25 percent while sales of EMS configured twins increased over the same period.
To download the full Heli Market Trends report, go to The report also includes a conversation with Marcelo Rajchman, CEO of Ecocopter, a multi-mission helicopter operator headquartered in Chile.
Aero Asset, Civil, News, Reports