HTM and ADAC Luftrettung extend Munich Clinic contract

HTM and ADAC Luftrettung extend Munich Clinic contract

31-Oct-2022 Source: HTM


As part of the “Flying Intervention Team” project, HTM has again been commissioned by the Munich Clinic gGmbH to carry out helicopter flights under HEMS status together with the ADAC air rescue service.

The intervention team of the telemedical stroke network TEMPiS at the Munich Clinic – Harlaching is to be flown to partner clinics as quickly as possible in order to carry out a mechanical clot removal (so-called thrombectomy) in severely affected stroke patients. The follow-up order follows a successful pilot phase, in which it was possible to prove that the flying doctors were able to treat affected patients 90 minutes faster on average.

The “Flying Intervention Team” consists of a neuroradiologist and an angiography assistant and specializes in performing thrombectomies in stroke patients. In the event of an alarm, the TEMPiS intervention team is immediately flown by helicopter to the requesting clinic in order to carry out the medical examination and treatment there. Since such treatments are extremely time-critical, HTM alternates with the ADAC air rescue service with a helicopter and crew ready 14 hours a day and 7 days a week in the immediate vicinity of the Munich Clinic Harlaching.

In cooperation with ADAC Luftrettung gGmbH, this important medical aid can now be provided 365 days a year in phase two of the project.

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