6-Mar-2023 Source: Aero Asset
Aero Asset’s annual 2022 Heli Market Trends reports transactions for preowned twin engine helicopters were down four percent last year. Though the rate at which supply dropped in 2022 slowed, helicopters available for sale retracted 11 percent compared to the previous year, leaving the absorption rate at its lowest point in four years.
“North America and Europe accounted for 73 percent of twin engine helicopter resale activity in 2022; Europe saw a 20 percent decline in transaction volume year over year,” said Valerie Pereira, Aero Asset VP Market Research. She added, “Sales of aircraft 20 years and older experienced a strong resurgence in 2022, compared to the previous year.”
Exhibiting at Heli-Expo
Aero Asset executives will be on hand to discuss Aero Asset’s latest report and the helicopter market in general as an exhibitor at HAI Heli-Expo March 7-9 in Atlanta, booth #B3022.
During 2022, the market saw 171 preowned twin engine helicopter retail sales, an annual decline of four percent. However, the value of these transactions at $558 million was up two percent, year over year. The number of deals pending at various stages of transaction in the fourth quarter increased by 35 percent, compared to 2021. However, the deal pipeline remained on average 15 percent lower, compared to 2020 and 2019.
The best performing preowned twin engine market in 2022 was the Airbus EC/H135, followed by the EC/H145 and the Sikorsky S76C+/C++. The worst performing preowned twin markets were the Leonardo AW169 and Sikorsky S76D markets, with no preowned retail sales last year. The biggest drop in the lineup was the Bell 429, ranked No. 2 in 2021 and No. 10 in 2022.
Supply for sale continued to decrease in all asset classes through 2022, with medium and heavy twin engine retail sales stable year over year. Light twin retail sales declined 10 percent over same period.
2022 Heli Market Trends Report Available
For the full publicly released 2022 Heli Market Trends Report go to https://www.aeroasset.com/report. The report also contains a conversation with Toby Gauld, the founder of Optima Aero.