5-May-2023 Source: DSCA
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Norway of MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $1 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Norway has requested to buy six (6) MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters; fifteen (15) T-700-GE-401C engines (12 installed, 3 spares); nine (9) Link 16 Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS JTRS) (6 installed, 3 spares); eighteen (18) Embedded Global Positioning System/Precise Positioning Service (GPS/PPS)/Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) with Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) (12 installed, 6 spares); and six (6) Airborne Low Frequency Sonars (ALFS) (aircraft provisions only). Also included are M514 impulse cartridge/cartridge actuated devices; MJ20 cartridge actuated thruster/cartridge actuated devices; WB53 fire extinguisher cartridge/cartridge actuated devices; CCU-136A/A impulse cartridges; GAU-21 crew served guns (including pintle and laser pointer); AN/ARC-210 RT-2036 radios with Communications Security (COMSEC); AN/AAR-47 missile warning systems; AN/APX-123 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponders; AN/ALE-47 dispensers; Electronic Countermeasures; Advanced Data Transfer Systems (ADTS); AN/AAS-44C(V) Multi-Spectral Targeting Systems; Identification Friend or Foe Mode 4/5 Cryptographic Applique, KIV-78; Joint Mission Planning Systems (JMPS); AN/ARQ-59 Hawklink radio terminals; Training Simulators/Operational Machine Interface Assistants (ATS/OMIA); Aviation Maintenance Weapons Loading Trainer (AMWLT); Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT); AN/ALQ-210 Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems; APS-153(V) multi-mode radars; spare engine containers; spare and repair parts; support and test equipment; communications equipment; ferry support; publications and technical documentation; personnel training and training equipment; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; obsolescence engineering, integration, and test activities required to ensure readiness for the production of the Norwegian MH-60R helicopters; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated program cost is $1 billion.
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe.
The proposed sale will improve Norway’s capability to perform Coast Guard missions along with the ability to perform secondary missions, including vertical replenishment and communications relay. Norway will use the enhanced capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Norway will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters and support into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region. The principal contractor will be Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems, Owego, New York. The purchaser has requested offsets. Any offset agreement will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the contractor.
Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips by U.S. Government representatives and the assignment of contractor representatives to Norway on an intermittent basis over the life of the case to support delivery and integration of items and to provide supply support management, inventory control, and equipment familiarization. In addition, there will be up to four (4) contractor representatives in Norway full-time for the duration of the case.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value are for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department’s Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, pm-cpa@state.gov.