16-Jun-2023 Source: Ecocopter
In Chile, since the end of 2014 Ecocopter is operating in the transfer of personnel and cargo for Enap’s oil platforms located in the Magallanes region. The company has been developing offshore flights to the Strait facilities, and the fleet complies with all the requirements established by the Chilean aeronautical authority and the norms and protocols of the state-owned company. This service has become the fastest, most practical, safest and efficient way to take personnel to isolated or difficult to access locations.
In this context, for the second consecutive time, Ecocopter was awarded the tender to provide helicopter services to Enap in the southern part of the country, in a new contract with the state-owned company that begins in June of this year.
Ecocopter’s mission will be to provide the air transport service in helicopters enabled for off shore operation, i.e., to offshore oil and gas platforms.
“We are proud to continue providing this important service with the installed capabilities and solid experience to contribute to the country’s development. It has been years where we have consolidated with a first class professional team, with the highest standard in terms of efficiency, high technology and safety that have resulted in the success of our operations and the confidence of our client Enap”, says Francisco Javier Diaz Torres, Operations Manager, Ecocopter.
Thus, Ecocopter has made two Airbus EC135 helicopters permanently available for these tasks and for the exclusive use of Enap. This type of helicopter is practical and functional, incorporating the most modern technological systems, both in terms of instrumentation and materials and engineering, highlighting the Fenestron type fairing on the tail rotor, which increases safety.
The cockpit features instruments equipped with a modern, fully digitalized display system.
In addition, Ecocopter crews available 24/7 have extensive experience with this type of aircraft in offshore offshore operations. “The flight hours and the constant training of the pilots in the company’s simulators allow us to maintain a very high professional and service level, with the objective of developing operations in a safe and professional manner,” explains Diaz.