22-Nov-2023 Source: Phenix Solutions
Phenix Solutions is proud to announce the award of a United States Air Force Phase II contract for Agile Manufacturing for the Ultra 2XL Heavy Lift VTOL Aircraft. Phenix is pleased to work with The Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (RX) to accelerate the development and deployment of transformative vertical takeoff and landing aircraft under this effort.
The Phase II contract strategically focuses on implementing streamlined procurement, accounting, and production processes and procedures. Moreover, it involves establishing a state-of-the-art production facility to validate their companies’ manufacturing strategies to ensure production can meet the forecasted demand for the Ultra 2XL at scale.
Brian Riese, President and CEO of Phenix Solutions, stated, “I am pleased to announce the continuation of our partnership with the USAF on the Phase II contract for Agile Manufacturing. We’ve built the production capability from the ground up, and this collaboration will allow us to rapidly scale the manufacturing process, which will lead to reduced costs and faster lead times while ensuring high levels of quality are built into every Ultra 2XL that rolls off the production line.”
Phenix is also collaborating with the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) team in parallel with this Phase II effort. Phenix and OMEP are focused on enhanced Factory of the Future technologies that can are being implemented on the shop floor, such as innovative ways to display and distribute work instructions, tools, and process control to maximum efficiency. We see Agile Manufacturing as an enterprise-wide holistic action plan for the sustained production of the Ultra 2XL Aircraft for many years.