29-Feb-2024 Source: Axxeum
Axxeum, Inc. (“Axxeum”) announced that they have secured an order from Apex Heli-Support of Phoenix, Arizona for their first E to F Conversion at Axxeum’s Authorized MD Service Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
On Monday MD Helicopters (“MDH”) announced their decision to certify Axxeum to conduct E to F Conversions at their Part 145 Repair Station. The E to F Conversion is the latest FAA approved Technical Bulletin released by MDH to a limited number of Authorized Service Centers within the network of approved providers. This conversion will increase the overall performance of the helicopter with greater maximum gross takeoff weight (“MGTOW”), increased external payload, and better highhot performance.
MD Helicopters President and CEO Brad Pedersen commented, “We are proud of the work Axxeum has done as a valued partner of our Authorized Service Center network over the years. MDH’s endorsement of Axxeum to conduct the E to F Conversion speaks to their level of professionalism and technical abilities. It is Service Centers like Axxeum that will help grow the iconic MDH brand with their commitment to performance and customer support to our global fleet of aircraft.”
“Our long-standing partnership with MD Helicopters continues to grow in a positive direction. We are excited to bring the benefits of the E to F Conversion to MD Helicopter owner / operators around the world.” Axxeum’s CEO Oleg Sirbu stated. Mr. Sirbu added, “We are extremely grateful for the trust and support shown by Apex Heli-Support to begin the endeavor of this E to F Conversion together with Axxeum. This is only the beginning of a value-added partnership between our great companies.”
Apex Heli-Support owns two 530FFs and three MD500Es to support their Helicopter Leasing Division. Tina Cannon Vice President of Apex HeliSupport stated, “Currently our customers work in the utility sector and at times operate in the upper limits of the 500E’s performance. We wanted to provide our customers with the added margin of power and performance and the 530FF is an obvious choice for us, and our customers. Apex Heli-Support has been supporting the MD500 community for 20+ years and is excited to work with the team at Axxeum on this modification and continue its support of this great product line.